Uncomfortably numb

By someone - 02/09/2009 11:00 - Denmark

Today, I went to the dentist to get a hole in my tooth filled. After the dentist had injected the anesthetic into my gums, she realized that none of the electrical equipment was working. She sent me home. My entire right side of my face is completely numb and swollen for no reason. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 157
You deserved it 3 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CDS09 0

that sucks, but at least it was the tools that didnt work and not the drugs : )

"Today I went to the dentist and nothing happened." Not an FML.


sublime93 0
brenbert 0

WTF? FMLs lately are SO lame...This is not a worthy FML. FYL for being so boring that that seemed worthy of writing about.

and...? I killed nerves in my chin only to have the hospital numb my whole face, so I had it worse.

FYL for being an idiot. This is seriously lame. Anesthetics wear off. Being an idiot....not so easily.

Since she wasted your time, you should have asked for a few free hits of nitrous oxide just for fun. (Just say 'no' to propofol, OK?)

If you have a boyfriend, now is honestly the best time to give him a ********.