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By Thanks a lot, guys - 10/05/2023 15:00 - United States

Today, I got a care package for graduation. Among the stuff inside was a toolbox; I never took shop classes or showed any interest in them because of severe disability. I also got a Snickers bar; I hate peanut butter. I even got a bunch of clothes hangers; I had more than enough as it was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 392
You deserved it 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was never interested in shop class either, but my dad got me a toolbox when I moved out, and that became the best gift I received, ever. You never realize how much furniture you have to put together, handles you need to tighten, and pictures you have to hang until you move out on your own.

At least show some gratitude. It's the thought that counts. Offer them to your roommates. someone is bound to make use of them.


At least show some gratitude. It's the thought that counts. Offer them to your roommates. someone is bound to make use of them.

I was never interested in shop class either, but my dad got me a toolbox when I moved out, and that became the best gift I received, ever. You never realize how much furniture you have to put together, handles you need to tighten, and pictures you have to hang until you move out on your own.

My Dad spent most of his career as a repairman. My grandfather did carpentry around the home. To me, to own tools is to be able to do things for myself… But seriously, even if you aren’t going to be a handyman or a mechanic or technician or engineer, almost everyone needs a few basic tools in the home. It’s almost part of being an adult… Personally I like Snickers, but even I would be a bit offended if I got one just candy bar for a graduation present. But regardless of taste preferences you can give it to someone else if you don’t like Snickers… Graduation is really about moving on to a new phase in your life - Not really so much about getting presents. Presents are always nice, but they aren’t really the point of graduation. I don’t think I was over-enthused about any of my High School Graduation presents. But I was excited about going to college and what came next.

lalalaila777 24

complaining about a care package that you didn't buy, is ungrateful. you should work on finding gratitude daily, like be grateful you have someone that cares enough about you to give you one. you deserve it.

Tisinlovewithme 2

you seem like an insufferable ass ngl

Oh, the symbolism!!! They think you're a tool, they're snickering at your and they wish your mom had a clothes hangar handy before she became your mom. What a sick burn.

That you may have difficulty using the tools does not prevent you from making use of them. Keep them where they can be accessible by friends or family who come by to help you out. They may not remember to bring their tools, or know you needed some help with something.

well then enjoy the Snickers... They don't have peanut butter in them

Honestly, even as someone who isn't all that handy, it was good to have tools on-hand. Both for small things I could do myself, and bigger things that I called in help for - Because I had the basic tools covered for whoever was helping me and they wouldn't need to run back home to grab theirs.