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Wake up, human!

By inveralaska - 16/06/2016 21:22 - United Kingdom

Today, I got a kitten. She decided to sleep on my bed, waking me up periodically during the night by biting my face to make sure I was still alive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 046
You deserved it 2 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It wasn't to ensure you were alive. She was testing to see if you were dead. I've heard freshly deceased human is a kitten's favorite meal.

Awww it's just showing that it loves you! And on the bright side it's a kitten so that means little painless bites, I'd hope xD


It wasn't to ensure you were alive. She was testing to see if you were dead. I've heard freshly deceased human is a kitten's favorite meal.

Yeah, they always say those are called "love bites" but if you ask me, they're more like "watch as I test the most exposed parts of your body and plot your murder whilst you treat me like a companion bite"

Actually your right number one there was a case where an elderly women passed away when someone finally found out the cat ate all her soft tissues.

Ms_Monster 6

It probably learned from the Discovery Channel to lay next to OP while they sleep so it could size her up for eating like a snake would.

Awww it's just showing that it loves you! And on the bright side it's a kitten so that means little painless bites, I'd hope xD

Kittens and puppies have extremely sharp teeth. It hurts much more than the adult version.

When I got my cat as a kitten, I was feeding him little kitten treats. He bit my hand so hard while trying to eat one of the treats that he drew blood.

No you're mistaken your hand was the treat

My kitten would "attack" the whites of my eyes if I peeked my eyelids open to spy on him.

my kitten doesn't bite me hard, she just nibbles on me

How is this an fml you got a kitten to sleep in your bed who cares about you! My cats never sleep in my bed

Kitten really cares about your well being!!

Everyone gets exactly the cat they deserve. In this case though, I think it's just a case of getting used to each other. Young cats are very playful and anything moving in the dark under the covers must be killed with extreme prejudice :-) She will settle down and be more calm. Been through it with a few cats.

Sounds like she's too young to have been taken away from her mother and is trying to nurse from you. She'll stop in a few weeks, but don't use the person/shop you got her from again.

unwantedforlife 14

You think the kitten was trying to nurse from her face? There is obviously no reason that it would be active considering cats are mostly nocturnal. Or maybe, just MAYBE it was being playful. Go to the corner and think about what you just said.

Suckling can be a sign of them taken away too early. Suckling is different from biting.

Yeah, there's a difference between suckling and biting.

Yes, I do, since I've seen it happen on many occasions - kittens will suckle anything that's warm, including elbows. There is indeed a distance between suckling and biting, but since kittens tend to have sharp teeth it's easy to mistake one for the other, especially if you're groggy.

Gaernem 17

She's a kitten, she wants to play and be active especially at night. My nine year old cat used to be the same, but around a year or so he calmed down, sleeps with me every night. Huge cuddler, I think you'll have a loving cat. P.S. My boy always gives me kisses :p

That's actually really cute. Hope you didn't have to get up early!

Talis99 26

The joys of kitten ownership. :)

Aw, no, she's just being playful. A lot of kittens bite as part of play. You need to get her out of that habit. And make sure you get her some (quiet) toys to keep her busy while you sleep. This is one advantage to adopting older cats, although my eight-year-old cat (whom I've had since she was two) can still be rambunctious at times.