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By Lonely626 - 16/06/2016 22:26

Today, while talking with a coworker, we discussed a weekend home invasion scenario. It was then that I realized my social circle is so non-existent, that my job would notice I'm gone before my friends would. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 945
You deserved it 1 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Work friends still count as friends, and if you're not in school then you would need to actively go out and make friends. Form better relationships with co-workers and from there your circle can get wider :)

Maybe you should look into finding some more friends for safety reasons


TheNoNameGuy 20

friends... how many of us have them. friends. ones we can depend on. old school song for the older ones

Maybe you should look into finding some more friends for safety reasons

I'm desperate. Where do you find these so called "friends"? I'm asking for a...friend. Wait.

At least you know someone would be looking for you?

Work friends still count as friends, and if you're not in school then you would need to actively go out and make friends. Form better relationships with co-workers and from there your circle can get wider :)

nesteremily 31

I'm the same. I'd much rather have a few good friends than a bunch of fake friends

All I can say is that at least someone would notice if you disappeared. It could be worse, and no one notices that you're gone

Sometimes people's friends are from work though

Alup132 22

That's true to me too, what someone up there said about friends and safety, except I don't have a job, they'd just find out after school told them if something went wrong, such as the summer where something almost did.

jcash52426 5

Well it better then not being noticed at all.