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By JellyBite - 01/09/2019 06:00 - Iceland - Akureyri

Today, my boyfriend told me that he was going to take a nap. When I asked him why he wanted to take a nap in the middle of the day, he said, "To make time go by faster." He's leaving in 9 days. We're going to be 3,000 miles apart. For a long time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 737
You deserved it 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mathalamus 24

Maybe he is actually looking forward to going?

Did you suggest taking a nap with him? Even if you weren't tired yourself, you could have cuddled with him while he slept. And if he was against the idea, I'd say he's lost interest in your relationship, and wants his time with you to end as soon as it can.


Mathalamus 24

Maybe he is actually looking forward to going?

You're looking at it wrong. It's not the 9 days he wants to go by faster, it's the time until he sees you again that he wants to hasten. Always look on the bright side of life!

icalledhisname 12

Sorry about the long distance, OP. My SO is 3k miles away and it kills me. I hope it goes by easier for you and that you and your boyfriend are on the same page. To be fair, people process distance differently. My SO and I are perfect for each other, spending the rest of our lives together. But I get way more sad at the distance and saying bye than he does. I just parted from him yesterday, I only see him twice a year. My heart is crushed and he’s a little bummed, but he’s okay. I’m not okay. We just deal with it differently

That doesn't sound right. If he's all "meh, it can't be helped" about your situation, how invested in your relationship is he, really? I suppose, if he's in the military, that might go some way to explaining why he's only bummed, but you're heartbroken, as you'll be more worried about him than he is. However, if you just happen to live that far apart, and are in one of those long-distance internet relationships, then you might want to find out if he has other reasons for travelling so far, stopping in to see you for the duration of his stay in your area. Any chance you could clarify if he's in the military, or not?

Did you suggest taking a nap with him? Even if you weren't tired yourself, you could have cuddled with him while he slept. And if he was against the idea, I'd say he's lost interest in your relationship, and wants his time with you to end as soon as it can.

Sounds like he already "shipped out" of his relationship with you for the long-term, too.... :-(

Alup132 22

Was he maybe just bored that day and wanted to pass time? I sometimes sleep when bored.

..right ok maybe this is why I generally suck at relationships, but what do you want him to do, look at you with glazed over eyes for nine days? That's still more than a week, just have normal interactions, let the man have a nap, this is gonna be exhausting if you keep a track record on his behavior nine days before he even leaves. Go out, have some nice dinners, go through his preparation list, talk about goals you both have while he's away - sounds like a big opportunity anyways, if it takes him that far away.

Sounds like a douchebag. I wouldn't be surprised if he cheated on you. You might as well start detaching yourself from him emotionally. He doesn't and won't miss you as much as you're going to miss him.

tounces7 27

Is your comment for real or hyperbole?

tounces7 27

I actually understand this. I get a fair amount of anxiety before major things happening. Moving 3000 miles certainly counts for that. Once the date draws closer I just want it to be done and over with so I can stop thinking about it.