What, me worry?

By anonymous - 11/04/2011 03:26

Today, we had a tornado warning and I told my parents I loved them, just in case. My dad just said, "See you in Kansas." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 291
You deserved it 8 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why the **** would you tell your parents you love tornadoes?


threeminutesfrom 0

haha stop bein a pansy it never helps

I had a tornado warning too but my parents were in Mexico so I couldn't contact them...

lol-it's just a tornado warning. that doesn't mean much here in Oklahoma. actually, all that means is "go grab your lawn chairs, there's gonna be a show!". ...don't judge us. it's all the fun we have, lol. he was just trying to lighten the situation up.

zSapphire15 0
mcicycool 0

bahaha! your troll dad wins!

Angel21102 0

Sounds like something my dad would say. I would've laughed though.