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Mistaken identity

By fmlfmlfml - 20/07/2009 16:03 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I slept together. In the middle of the night, he saw my phone receiving a text from someone saying, "Hey baby, I missed you so much! I'm going to be visiting in a couple of days, hope to see you again, I love you!" He got mad and left my house. It was my dad in Ohio. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 103
You deserved it 4 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch, that sucks! He should have given you a chance to explain :( Seriously, who pressed "YDI"? How does she deserve that in any way?

That just seems weird that your dad says "Hey Baby"... But still, not really a FYL. Show him the sender; he'll be apologizing like crazy.


Ouch, that sucks! He should have given you a chance to explain :( Seriously, who pressed "YDI"? How does she deserve that in any way?

someone who realizes that her dad isn't saved as a contact

Or maybe she's just hiding her special lover's name as "Daddy"?!?

well_this_sucks 0

she deserves it cuz she didn't bother to show her bf the sender "Dad". and fhl because her bf was too stupid to read "Dad".

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#70 Whut? There's Moms and dads all over who call their kids baby. O_o Nothing creepy there.

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ydi need to hav dad as a clear contact

emodude44 0

That just seems weird that your dad says "Hey Baby"... But still, not really a FYL. Show him the sender; he'll be apologizing like crazy.

He meant it like hey baby like his child, not "hay babeh!" But still your bf should have asked for an explanation before running out.

I would also like to point out that it is also strange for him to say "hope to see you again". Hes your dad....

Except not everyone lives with both or either of their parents? So...understandable that it's "hope to see you"

CyclonePsycho 1

? My dad calls me 'baby' all the time. It's just like honey, sweetie, sug' (short for sugar), etc. Lawl, maybe it's different here in the South, but those are not really pet names for lovers, more like for children. Hey guys, there's a world at side your room, y'know. /shrug

missabbey 3

My dad calls me baby all the's not weird

pippacrawford 4

My dad still calls me "baby" or "baby girl" even though I'm 22. I don't think it's weird :)

66, I agree. Here in the south it is usually just a term of endearment from father to daughter.

Wittlestalker 0

This isn't that terrible. Hopefully you can talk to him about it and he'll get over it. C:

Reyna_fml 0

daaaaaaaang that sucks . you guys over ?

Did'nt he see who sent it while reading the text?

123sploosh 0

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cooorah 0

Didn't you learn how to use capitalization in grade school?

No he or she doesn't. It's the internet. Get over yourself.

YDI for having a dad that loves you. But seriously, what a dick. Talk to him about it. (I mean the bf of course!)

missabbey 3

What the heck????? How does op deserve it cuz her dad loves her?? U sir r stupid

That sucks, but the "Hey baby" is a bit of a creepy salutation from your dad. I'm sure you can show him who sent the text and be fine, though.

He should have saw who it was from in the text message, F his life for being an idiot.

alexgisforme3 0

just explain to ur bf that it was ur dad. id tell him to stop checking my phone...that really isnt needed