By hotelbound - 21/05/2013 00:37 - United States - Florissant

Today, my house was damaged by a tornado. I called my mother to see if I could stay with her for a few days. Her response? "I warned you not to move in with a man. This is God's way of punishing you." I've been married to said man for almost a year now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 380
You deserved it 2 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seriously, OP, who lives with their husband? You're such a degenerate. Tsk, tsk.

That's so horrible.. I hope you are able to find a new home soon. Your mother should be glad you are safe, not chastising you for something you're obviously committed to.


Seriously, OP, who lives with their husband? You're such a degenerate. Tsk, tsk.

evilraider 5

Although the sarcasm is blatantly evident in your comment, I am forced to point out that it was unnecessary altogether.

Actually #1's comment was quite funny. your's however was unnecessary especially since you knew it was a joke.

6-Since when are you forced to comment on FML?

Sarcasm is rarely necessary. It is often amusing though. Also amusing is seeing your truly unnecessary "intelligent" point getting buried.

And arguing is also rarely necessary. How about you all stop bitching at each other and simply enjoy the FML?

RedPillSucks 31

Arguing can be fun. Especially if you are a troll/grenade thrower.

SuicidalShooter 7

#1 Why do people think that it's your fault #2 Hope you can find a new home soon

#6, your comment is also altogether unnecessary, but unlike #1's comment, yours is completely devoid of comedic value. I am curious as to what exactly you had hoped to accomplish with such a blatantly redundant and hypocritical post, since your comment also fails to contribute anything educational, insightful, or compassionate.

suboy 10

OPs mom is probably against post marital sex too.

groovycrazyjoe 18

this is not a laughing fml she is still homeless and she probably was in Oklahoma

That's so horrible.. I hope you are able to find a new home soon. Your mother should be glad you are safe, not chastising you for something you're obviously committed to.

can't help but feel op mom was praying for this

MichellinMan 20

Was it the Moore Oklahoma tornado? That was really sad, like 20 something kids died. That's pretty dumb though.

Maybe karma will get even with your mom. I hope you can fix the damages and that you and your husband find somewhere to stay!

Jesus OP, don't you know God hates men and women living together in matrimony?

It never actually says OP is a woman. I was thinking that maybe OP married another man and that's what the mother is fussing about.

bamagrl410 31

I doubt it. Same sex marriage isn't recognized or protected in Missouri (where OP is from), so I doubt they'd be living in a state where they don't receive the same treatment as others.

Is this the tornado I heard on the news? The MASSIVE one?

There was an exceptionally large tornado in Moore Oklahoma

the tornado yesterday was the biggest so far... 2 1/4 miles wide. it destroyed a lot in Moore, and the death toll is at 51, and could still rise.

Bea_FaCurtains 17

Yeah I'm assuming its the one in Moore. I live here in Moore ok and everything is destroyed. She's lucky to be alive.

nnnope 26

sounds like your mom needs to re-read Matthew 7:1 - 5 and James 4:12.

Dumbass, the bible will help noone its a stupid peice of shit fiction that gets 3/10 at best

Sorry you had to live through that huge whirling blowhard of an ass hat wearing hot air and condemnation spewing storm and sorry about the tornado too.... Seriously, your mother is either in shock because of the storm or suffering from dementia- or else she's a religious whack job who by her vile lip-flapping gives God a bad name.... In any case, sorry you have to deal with her on top of dealing with the storm's aftermath. Courage!

Yea I realized that after I couldn't edit. Bury me to oblivion

#19 Maybe you're not cut out for the rigors of FML reading. Go lie down with a cool cloth on your aching head. It will pass.

#36 I live in Oklahoma and as of right now they are only allowing first responders in to the damage areas. There are several places that have volunteers helping to load and unload donations. I know the Redcross and Salvation Army have set up temporary shelters at some of the area churches. The local news stations have list of donation sites on their websites. Thank you for coming to help my fellow Oklahomans!

olpally 32

Your mom is an idiot, I feel bad for you.

Wow. With so many men and women living together these days I'd expect a lot more tornadoes if what she said is true...

RedPillSucks 31

The source of climate change are all those people living in sin. Its a raging Gomorrah, all those married people living together. OP needs to heed the word and live life like a true God fearing Lesbian. (OOPs, what if OP is a man?)