What should I do?

By Anonymous - 23/10/2024 18:00 - United States - Ona

Today, I got rejected by a girl I was talking to. We had mutual feelings, and I waited a long time for her to be single again. We talked, made out, and now she has gotten into another relationship, acting like she doesn't like me anymore… but still wants to be friends? FML
I agree, your life sucks 52
You deserved it 29

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I guess the feelings weren’t quite so mutual.

mcsmee 7

That, or OP's make-out skills need some work.

She might be using you for personal validation between relationships. And/or it could also be that she doesn't want you to be with another girl, leading you on for her benefit. How is she when you're interacting with other girls? It might be time to take a step back from this friendship.