When you miss your train By Lewis - 14/12/2018 18:00 Apparently he misses it very much... I agree, your life sucks 280 You deserved it 81 Share Tweet Share
Today, I lost my job to the individual I just finished training. Within 2 hours after being escorted out, my old boss called and yelled at me for doing a lousy job. He was angry that the training was deficient and because the new person is as bad as I was. FML I agree, your life sucks 15 692 You deserved it 1 433
Today, I was dead tired and just wanted sleep, so I jumped into bed the second the day's chores were done. Of fucking course, this was the day my fiancée decided to end our eight-week dry spell and came in wearing sexy lingerie. I couldn't stay hard due to exhaustion, and now she's been crying. FML I agree, your life sucks 492 You deserved it 155
Today, I missed the bus. I ran to the metro station in 45°C heat, slipped on dog shit, and fell face-first onto a staircase, breaking my glasses and front left tooth. As I tried to get up, my bag got stuck on the railing and tore. FML I agree, your life sucks 4 753 You deserved it 312
Today, my dad lied and said he was busy working, all because he didn't want to see me. FML I agree, your life sucks 1 422 You deserved it 144
Today, my fancy rubber phone case did its job and saved my phone from damage when I dropped it on the bathroom counter. Unfortunately, it was rather useless after the massive bounce it took before landing in the toilet. FML I agree, your life sucks 2 563 You deserved it 363
Today, my girlfriend was about to give me a blowjob. When her lips met my penis, there was a huge static shock. I never got the blowjob, she is still laughing and I have ice on my penis. FML I agree, your life sucks 51 598 You deserved it 6 888
Today, I had to sell my only means of transportation, my 92 Chrysler Lebaron, to a junking company because the transmission blew. When the guy finally got there, I had to shovel out the 5 feet of snow around my car, help him push it, and help him hook it up. Then his dog bit me. I only got $100. FML I agree, your life sucks 26 670 You deserved it 2 838
Today, my wife’s unending cheapness and need for a “deal” has bitten us in the ass. Literally. She accepted a bag of clothes from a coworker and yup, you guessed it, it was infested with fucking bedbugs. Now our whole house has them, and all she said was, “At least the clothes can be washed.” FML I agree, your life sucks 1 213 You deserved it 143
I guess his plans got derailed.
Wow he was really training to get there🤣🤣