Wonky logic

By Anonymous - 25/10/2024 08:00 - United States

Today, I got my ass beat by some kid in my grade. The reason I was targeted? The superintendent, aka my idiot father, suspended him for defending himself in another fight. The kid told me it's not personal, he needed to prove a point that our school doesn't do shit about bullying, As much as I agree with him… FML
I agree, your life sucks 207
You deserved it 25

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is due to so many school districts adopting zero tolerance policies which only cause more issues, sorry to say but you're going to have to learn to defend yourself you're going to be targeted a lot as the superintendents son in the future so be prepared.


tiptoppc 19

Sadly, even a long time ago, I found this was the case and almost was expelled for leaving a welt on the side of a kids face when he beat me up while i was reliant on crutches to walk. When other kids came forward to super intendant about the kids bullying, my expell got reduced to 3 days suspension. My mom was a teacher of special needs, and not only knew the laws, she specifically also threatened to go after them in court over it. It turned out, the kid a week later beat up a teacher and was expelled and jailed. Bullies don’t learn, but a solid defense is a good offense and my hit to the kids head made others stop targetting me. Sucks you gotta deal with that still, but I’d say, threaten your father with legal action and rallying if he doesn’t crack down on the real bullies and allow an actual pseudo trial for those claiming defense with ability to submit evidence. Like video or staff/adult witnesses (not sure i would use peers. Cliques could create/allow false witnesses). I thought they started putting cameras in schools?

This is due to so many school districts adopting zero tolerance policies which only cause more issues, sorry to say but you're going to have to learn to defend yourself you're going to be targeted a lot as the superintendents son in the future so be prepared.