Woof! I do not consent!
By Horny and Unamused - 25/05/2021 11:00

By Horny and Unamused - 25/05/2021 11:00
By Puppy problems - 27/10/2013 01:23 - United States - Essex Junction
By Arden - 03/02/2019 20:00
By H…… - 20/11/2020 20:08
By anonymous - 16/08/2015 03:16 - United States - Rock Hill
By Anonymous - 17/02/2013 02:12 - Australia - Brisbane
By pissedoff - 28/06/2016 11:53 - United States - Benton
By yikesss - 23/10/2018 03:00
By Anonymous - 05/12/2016 18:22
By Anonymous - 26/12/2010 02:29 - United States
By litterbox_girl - 19/08/2009 01:13 - United States
Get rid off the dog. At the very least get him neutered. Your dog considers you as his “territory”.
Put the dog outside when you have sex.
You let a dog having a tantrum ruin your sex life? Your dog is the boss and you are wearing the collar!
Kinda what I was thinking. Ummmm, seriously? There has to be a relatively easy solution to this other than having no sex life.
What vocalisations are you making? If you're being loud, he might think your boyfriend is attacking you and be getting scared. Really, though, leave him outside with a treat and let him go nuts. He won't even notice.
Closing the bathroom door or crating him in another room before you get intimate works wonders.
You had to talk to your dog's trainer? What the hell are they supposed to do about it? Crate the dog with papers or a puppy pad and get on with your life instead of whining and catering to your pet.