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By Michelle Jade - 05/09/2018 22:00

Today, I'm lying in a hospital bed with two broken leg bones, a reattached tendon, and four screws holding my leg together. Why? Because I wanted chocolate milk and some asshat didn't see me walking across the road. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 979
You deserved it 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

julfunky 29

Can’t really give a YDI or a FYL when we have no idea whether or not you obeyed traffic laws.

You have not given enough info for anyone to say definitively either FYL or YDI. Were you crossing legally in a pedestrian crosswalk, and the asshat barrelled through without even trying to put on the brakes? If this is what happened, then FYL, and you should sue the bastard. Or did you just step out into the road mid-block and expect that all traffic would come to a halt for you? If this is the case, then Y so very much DI.


So you say chocolate milk made your leg a chocolatey mess.. hmm pretty bad. Hope you get well soon OP.

TractorWarrior 4

Did you at least get the chocolate milk?

The cafeteria ran out, but they do have chocolate pudding.

Oh, he saw you. He just really wanted the chocolate milk more!

DraftHail614 17

Alright guys, I'm gonna be Charlie for a moment. Honestly was the chocolate milk that important? Sure the guy should've watched where he was going, but I'm pretty sure you didn't need the chocolate milk right then and there. 🙄😒

lifeis4me 20

Are you upset that OP wanted chocolate milk and not the fact that someone almost killed them?

DraftHail614 17

What? Course not. Did you read the first sentence?

So you should never go and get anything because you might get hit by a car?

DraftHail614 17

It was meant to be a joke, but I take it you guys don't see it if you don't know who Charlie is. You'd think the emojis would give it away. Because the people that upvoted obviously saw it.

julfunky 29

Can’t really give a YDI or a FYL when we have no idea whether or not you obeyed traffic laws.

You have not given enough info for anyone to say definitively either FYL or YDI. Were you crossing legally in a pedestrian crosswalk, and the asshat barrelled through without even trying to put on the brakes? If this is what happened, then FYL, and you should sue the bastard. Or did you just step out into the road mid-block and expect that all traffic would come to a halt for you? If this is the case, then Y so very much DI.

One way or the other we are all gonna die OP.. Chocolate milk, is, imo, worth dying for.

wysegirl 24

Did you look both ways before you crossed the street? Was it really just the driver at fault? Hope you heal well.

fde2blknimout 18

And you cant see a car moving on the street? Or it getting close? That and because you use terms like asshat is why you deserved to get hit. Did it knock out your tampon?