By notwasted39 - 13/07/2009 16:21 - United States
By notwasted39 - 13/07/2009 16:21 - United States
By ... - 02/10/2012 20:55 - Canada - Airdrie
By FootyFoot - 06/03/2012 11:50 - Australia
By wo-ow - 06/06/2014 23:09 - United States - Bronx
By Never Work With Animals or Children - 26/05/2012 11:06 - United States - Van Nuys
By Anonymous - 06/07/2020 02:02
By typical - 13/04/2013 23:49 - United States - Cheshire
By Triple F - 07/03/2009 17:16 - United States
By Anonymous - 12/02/2025 15:00 - United States
By ow - 13/06/2011 05:39 - United States
By Anonymous - 19/01/2010 09:34 - United States
LifeAlert is there for you!
rofl, nice one
YDI, why don't you have something called crutches to help keep pressure off your hip? duh
lmao nice
ha nice well played sir well played
That was exactly what I was waiting for someone to say. Thats what I thought of when I saw I fell and couldn't get up and I started laughing thinking of the commercial
#19: NIICCCEE!!!! i can't believe over 300 ppl said the OP deserved it. god forbid anything serious happen to them.
#32 caneut you are a retard. shes probably past the crutches stage of recovery, and even if she wasnt quite, a short walk to the mailbox is a good way to build the muscles and get steadier
That's just it, he/she didn't ask for help. A simple explanation and an ask for help would probably gotten you up.
the fact that they had time to post it on fml indicates that they're ok
O.d that ain't right (:
you would think that this would be pretty easy to explain.
Umm maybe tell him you're not drunk and you need help.. Try thinking next time
I have to agree with #5. You can't really expect people to help you. if you want help, you have to ask for it.
you should have asked him to help you up then kicked him in the balls
Pfuh! What's wrong with people these days? So judgmental!
i hope you explained it to him and made him feel like crap
Your neighbor is a jackass.
ohh that must suck! guess the neighbor isn't too nice...
Hey, if you get drunk enough it won't hurt so much. And you'll live up to your neighbor's expectations as well. Problem solved. You're welcome.