You can't explain that

By shreking_bawl - 14/11/2014 18:39 - Norway

Today, one of my debate opponents used the "Bill O'Reilly defense" against my arguments. This involved saying "You can't explain that" about easily explainable stuff, and speaking louder and louder to drown out my voice. He ended up getting a better grade than mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 167
You deserved it 3 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope he started off by yelling "F-ck it! We'll do it live!"

If that was the case just yell beep! Censor his ass that way he can't explain anything. His tactics were obviously effective if you couldn't stop him from his specific goal.


I hope he started off by yelling "F-ck it! We'll do it live!"

you should ask the teacher if he can explain your grade a few times

grade goes in grade goes out you can't explain that

#23 I wonder if most understood your comment because it has me rolling! Lol

If that was the case just yell beep! Censor his ass that way he can't explain anything. His tactics were obviously effective if you couldn't stop him from his specific goal.

SlipperyNipple 9

This is how society works today. You don't have to be right just make sure that your oponent won't be heard by the people...

jazmin3012 28

I hate it when you provide reasonable evidence and the judges give the win to them because they "sounded right" even though they were speaking absolute bs

SkyGuy32 17

I did a debate once with an opponent who argued that the idea we were debating would be ineffective and therefore not worth implementing, then stated that it would be overly effective and therefore violate people's autonomy rights. I lost.

Maybe see what other Fox News hosts will help with your grades

It worked apparently. If he did something to combat it or be able to stump him , then he would have received a better grade. It's the way the world works a lot of the time, unfortunately. Even though I agree with you.

If you're really not satisfied with your mark you should try to POLITELY talk to your professor/teacher about it.