You can't explain that

By anonymous - 20/02/2014 05:27 - Canada - Victoria

Today, I was doing a science presentation about glucose. There were around 20 judges at the event who could've judged me, but instead I got judged by the only person in the whole entire world who doesn't know what glucose is, and doesn't think it exists. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 271
You deserved it 3 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could probably complain about the judge, explain the situation and ask for another one. It's worth a shot.

How can someone judging science presentations possibly not know what glucose is?


Seeing that the brain works mainly on glucose and the judge thinks glucose doesn't exist, we can safely assume that his/her brain wasn't working. ;)

Was that by chance a fallout new vegas dead money dlc reference? Even though how vague it may be?

that is some seriously bad luck, sorry to hear that OP

3 letters FYL sorry bro some people just suck !!!

How does one not "believe in" a widely known chemical compound?

Steve95401 49

Bad looks like they didn't do too well in physical science or skipped the digestive system....but with 20 judges you should have at least more than one grade... Good luck OP...