You dodged a bullet

By Anonymous - 09/10/2010 18:33 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me it wasn't working out and he was breaking up with me. The reason? I have the same first and last name as a very unpopular girl, and he gets embarrassed when people mistakenly assume he's going out with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 160
You deserved it 3 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he broke up with you over something as small as that, then he was a douche anyway. OP you are free to met a better guy! Remember, you are not single. you're available.


If he cares about something like that then he's not worth it anyway

Ya don't say! Wouldn't you know? What are the chances? But really, how fascinating.

siahbean 1

Looks like shes more popular than you if people are thinking its her. They dont even know you exsist ! Hahaha

debatingalways 0

If its that common of a mistake, she can't be too unpopular ;P

Psycho_Babydoll 26

you must have a very common name..

He's either too sweet or stupid to see the error of what he just said. Either way, you're better off.

He was seeing the name all wrong. Your name would've changed once you were married. Lol. Be glad he's gone. Get out there and have FUN!!!! God knows you deserve it. ;)

as khloé kardashion would say WHAT A DOUCHE-LORD!