You OK hun?

By OUCH - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, while going for a run in my neighbourhood, I was hit by a car, not once, but twice. The second car, closely following the first, stopped, then drove forwards to see if I was alright. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 953
You deserved it 3 328

Top comments

...Were you not looking where you were going? Unless the car was on the pavement, you're in the wrong here.

ryguy997 0

5, not everyone who gets hit dies. luckily.


Why were they driving on the sidewalk? :P

Most places where I live there aren't sidewalks, so understand the first car, but how did a second person pull that off?

Holy crap. XDDD *BOOM!* Urrrgh...*Vrrr* Hey are you all-? *BOOM!* ....Nevermind.

maggie_gxx 0

okay, this all needs to be cleared up: yes, obviously it didnt happen today, but they all have to start with "today", so, there you go. a lot of places don't have sidewalks! and sidewalks are for PEDESTRIANS. that means WALKING. bicycles arent WALKING now ARE THEY? people stop arguing about a guy that got hit by a car and get a life!

popcorncomics 0

Hey guys, for every person who keeps saying use a sidewalk or don't walk in the middle of the road- has it ever occured to you that not all neighborhoods HAVE sidewalks? Mine doesn't. On our main rode, it'd be easy to hit by a car with the amount of car concealing curves, loud construction noise and morons who think they can drive 50mph in a 25mph zone.

cypglobalthreat 0

BULLSHIT if you were hit b a car, you weren't, a second car wouldn't DRIVE UP to see if you were all right they would stop and get out, common knowledge.

i don't feel like readin these but did anyone ever think that the cars weren't goin that fast?!!!? It takes around 25-35mph to seriously injure-kill yu. if a car is only goin like 10-20mph yu MIGHT be ok and get up wit miner injuries... yu can survive if it's not goin that fast but it could also knock yu out or jus down, so people don't hav to go sayin it's bull or anything cuz the person didn't say they were goind like 40mph or anything, jus said they got hit by 2 cars.

6, a person always has the right of way and cars always have to yield to them