You OK hun?

By OUCH - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, while going for a run in my neighbourhood, I was hit by a car, not once, but twice. The second car, closely following the first, stopped, then drove forwards to see if I was alright. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 953
You deserved it 3 328

Top comments

...Were you not looking where you were going? Unless the car was on the pavement, you're in the wrong here.

ryguy997 0

5, not everyone who gets hit dies. luckily.


This FML life raises so many questions...?

You should probably stay out of the road.

Not exactly sure how this one works out, unless you were seeing double and the same car hit you twice.

FYL! that really sucks for you. What does YDI mean anyways?

Get hit by a car once. Shame on them. Get hit by a car twice. Shame on you. Get hit by a car a third time. really, you should.

collegeshmollege 0

Well, at least the second one was concerned...They could have just driven off

Maybe you should move to another neighborhood.

Maybe you should stop running in the street. In the civilized world we have these great things called 'sidewalks' and cars aren't allowed on them.

CHA-CHING! I've actually been hit by a car. Took a year for the muscles to heal 100%. Don't get hit by cars. How would you have gotten hit by 2 cars anyways. Running through red lights? In the middle of the street?

the logic flaw in this whole fml is that u would b severely injured, probably in a hospital (etc)