You're one to talk

By fataldisease - This FML is from back in 2008 but it's good stuff - France

Today, my son laughed at me when I tried to get him to put a bit more effort into his schoolwork. Turns out his grandmother had showed him all my shitty school reports from when I was his age. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 591
You deserved it 7 783

Top comments

You shoulda retorted with something like "I didn't do well in school, and look what happened to me. Now I'm stuck here trying to get my bastard son to do his homework. Do you want that to happen to you, son?" THAT would've got him to try harder in class.

That Sucks, Your mom ruined your validity. She took the respect your kid had for you and just shit all over it, I feel sorry for ya


Blondiebee88 0

I think God punishes us through our children!

nicholasj96 9

That doesn't mean shit, you need to make him respect you, and show him you don't want him to get the same grades that you did .

Well, all you wanted was for him to do better than you did, so props to you for that.

I hope you didn't give up, and I hope he took your words to heart just the same!