You're one to talk

By fataldisease - This FML is from back in 2008 but it's good stuff - France

Today, my son laughed at me when I tried to get him to put a bit more effort into his schoolwork. Turns out his grandmother had showed him all my shitty school reports from when I was his age. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 591
You deserved it 7 783

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You shoulda retorted with something like "I didn't do well in school, and look what happened to me. Now I'm stuck here trying to get my bastard son to do his homework. Do you want that to happen to you, son?" THAT would've got him to try harder in class.

That Sucks, Your mom ruined your validity. She took the respect your kid had for you and just shit all over it, I feel sorry for ya


gemmykinz 0

*sucks a ***** That friends is the sound of cocksucking. You're welcomrhmrhmghmfh

subiedude08 17
inlimbo11 0

tell the grandmother not to interfere with your child's future anymore and do what the above comments say about your son.

That Sucks, Your mom ruined your validity. She took the respect your kid had for you and just shit all over it, I feel sorry for ya

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Learning from your past mistakes and trying to give your kid a more successful life than you had isn't hypocritical. It's good parenting.

hayyad 7

That's really stupid. Most parents want the best for their kids so of course he'd encourage his son to do better at school than he did.

lol, your mom has a good sense of humor.

Gs_brother 0

#8's got it right, you're son needs something he can try to live up to, you don't seem to have the intelligence to give him an academic challenge

You shoulda retorted with something like "I didn't do well in school, and look what happened to me. Now I'm stuck here trying to get my bastard son to do his homework. Do you want that to happen to you, son?" THAT would've got him to try harder in class.

samba6970 0

I'm sure the grandma was having a hard time telling the OP to study too....and I'm pretty sure the grandma's grades were bad... #4 - Why would a mom says that?that destroys the dad's validity....parents should all work together... I hate it when parents are trying to teach their kids manners, disciplines or anything and the grandparents goes...."come on, you were like that when you were a kid"....when they also teach the same things when the parents were young....

slushpup9696 12

this sounds like George Lopez