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YouTubers being YouTubers

By moron - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I drove my boyfriend to hospital because he felt extremely ill. His buddies had gotten their hands on a Taser, and he had the brilliant idea of being shot as part of a YouTube stunt video. Now I have an empty gas tank and have to clean up a puddle of vomit in my living room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 765
You deserved it 3 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SugarCrazy 14

At least it wasn't a hand gun...

SugarCrazy 14


SugarCrazy 14

At least it wasn't a hand gun...

jerseyboy732 16
GuessWhatKids 13

Hey 6, go on ******* eharmony. This isn't a dating site.

PottentialFML 0

lol at desperate Internet creepers, stay in the mineshafts

jerseyboy732 16

chill bro I'm just saying she was cute I'm not trying to pick her up

jerseyboy732 16
tktom7 6

so what's the video called?

GreenMaze 0

So how many views did he get.

Wow, what a shock that must have been.

playing with a taser is always a smart thing to do.. on tuesdays.

SugarCrazy 14
PottentialFML 0

bitches will be hatin. Combo breaker

HyundaiOwner7 0

There wasn't really a combo yet.. you fail

I agree, 2-hit combo followed by a counter isn't really that epic.

well you should make his friends clean up his puke

betterthanu2 0

I agree, and make them pay for the gas. Jesus, what some guys won't do in the name of their own stupidity. No excuse for it, really.

GuessWhatKids 13

Lol, he sounds like a swell guy. Send him my way, I wouldn't mind getting assfucked senseless by the dear boy.

did he shit his pants? I don't mean a prairie dog I mean a full load?

ShelbyyCakess 0

guys these days do the craziest things.

That0therguy 4

Not just anything. Everything.

hahaa, ground him for playing with dangerous materials!

skyeyez9 24

There is a slight chance a taser shock can put your heart in spasms and stop altogether. He shouldn't play with tasers ever again.