
By Night Owl No More - 13/08/2022 04:00

Today, I had to explain to my gaming friends that I can't be a night owl anymore because of a major health scare where I was suddenly unable to sleep at all. I now have to take sleeping pills every night and abide by a strict sleeping schedule. My friends are bummed out, and I feel bad for them. Fuck insomnia. FML
I agree, your life sucks 838
You deserved it 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Start playing with Moldovan and Tanzanian gamers so you can waste your days while they waste their nights playing games.


Start playing with Moldovan and Tanzanian gamers so you can waste your days while they waste their nights playing games.

Whatever they have you on for sleeping won’t work. You’ll be exhausted every time you wake up and spend all your time dreaming of getting some good sleep. It’ll never happen and life will suck forever.