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By dmsmcd - 17/12/2010 09:48 - United States

Today, after a week of insomnia, I finally managed to fall asleep. Thirty minutes later, my friends decided to bang on my door, yelling at me to wake up and party with them. I'm now wide awake and hallucinating from lack of sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 043
You deserved it 3 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you have shitty frends I swear to god if they did that to me I would rip off their ****/ nuts off

Dweron 0

i have some sleeping disorder I just can't remember what it's called. I can only sleep every couple of days so I know your pain D:


Dweron 0

i have some sleeping disorder I just can't remember what it's called. I can only sleep every couple of days so I know your pain D:

Damn so you get to play xbox all night! :D

lol sleep every couple of days. You would die.

fthku 13

I believe it's called Madeupshitosis.

OP: Dude tell your friends to screw off. You can ******* die from lack of sleep!

elite_stoner 0

go drink, smoke a few bowls and your ass will just fall asleep sometime later, mar!juana is natures sleeping pill smoke it and quit b!tching

daisiebud 18

between adhd and anxiety, i've had insomnia since i was a toddler. if someone woke me up in the middle of the night just to party, i don't even know what i'd do, but i'm pretty positive they wouldn't be my friends anymore after that.

134 obviously is always high because marijuana isn't the ducking solution solution to every single problem.

you have shitty frends I swear to god if they did that to me I would rip off their ****/ nuts off

Cookie00Munsta 0

FYI, a jewban is probably the coolest thing I've ever heard (:

lols she could have politely decline and tell them about her problem of insomnia. :(

infamousego 0

and thats why no one likes Jews

good thing: you can save money on drugs for the party!

pshh LSD is getting pricey dont cha know

right now it's 4:15am and I have to wake up at 7 for work. I hardly ever sleep

I get my full 8 hours every night. Just thought I'd point that out there, sorry....

KRS_13 0

i never get sleep either. not because i cant, just cuz i dont wanna. lol

I got it too. wanna know my method to sleep? vodka

That seems healthy. Delicious and healthy.

it is delicious, but not very healthy

pull the plug or do something and if all fails just join them until you actually drop and they shut themselves.

awesomeguy1221 4

that's what you get for not partying with your friends... the hallucinations would go great with loud music and alcohol.

No, that solution is just too easy... OP would never consider doing something easy that fixes the problem, sir.