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By John - 13/01/2011 21:12 - United States

Today, I cleaned my entire apartment hoping to find the source of the terrible odor I've been smelling for the past week. It's me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 126
You deserved it 39 772

Same thing different taste

Top comments

candy29 10

haha ewwwww... you should shower then..

hahah I wanted to write maybe it's you but.. you did it :D


hahah I wanted to write maybe it's you but.. you did it :D

PuppiesFTW 5

How do you not know you smell bad. First thing a person does if they smell something bad is by smelling themselves first. You can take a shower. The FMLs are starting to be little problems.

you know you smell like complete ass when you can small yourself without trying. ever heard of soap? it'll change your life.

well if the OP is a black person they can't shower cuz they probably don't wanna mess up their hair

heyheywaddup 7

yah obviously u look like shit too lmao jk but still...

MarineWifey88 3

There's this new invention called soap . . .

randiZ25 0

o.. o.. how does it work I wanna know!

Your a big kid now, it's time to use a thing called deodorant.

You're a big kid too! I think it's time you spot the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE.

How could you not tell the smell was coming from you?

Because the smell of his place was worse at the time !

You'd been smelling it for a whole week? Didn't it seem strange to you that if you went somewhere else you still smelled the same horrible odor? YDI YDI YDI. Take a shower for God's sake.

it could have been his upper lip for all that we know

Buchitoo 4

Lmao @73 I agree with you 9. Also, for a whole week!!! Don't you shower everyday OP? Or at least every other day if you're not into showering?!?!?

So you've been smelling this smell for a week... didn't you notice the same smell was in your car, in class, at work, or wherever you go all day? These BO fml's always confuse me :/

nicesprites 4

haha the same thing happened to me a few days ago. I use deodorant and shower but then I realized it was my feet.

mrstzeed 1

that is absolutely disgusting!!!! DUDE TAKE A DAMN SHOWER!!