By IIIlibras - 27/07/2011 21:28 - United States
IIIlibras tells us more.
Welllll, I needed to move my boyfriend and I's heavy mattress back against the wall so as I lifted it up, our Doberman (who loves to pounce things) decided then would be a good time to do so..Right where my hands were. My poor long nails just could not hold up the weight thus resulting in blood.
Top comments
I believe that avatar is something every motorist hates. You're waiting at the stop sign to turn, someone's heading your way slowly, but not slowly enough for you to feel right pulling out in front of them. Then, at the last moment, they turn on the road you are sitting at, never having turned on their blinkers, and you just wanna scream because the driver in question is a moron.
I don't see why this is an FML? I learned just from getting a hangnail that it hurts. i learned that horror movies don't exxadurate that. op never said he got his nail ripped off. please know this is a joke. no need to have a bitch fit over it
Not only were the caps necessary, they are not dramatic enough!
My fingers hurt just from reading this! I have goosebumps all along my arms now!
thats why i bite my nails.
hey i thought what i said was funny. dont thumbs down me...
Wow, brings back painful memories D:
Hell yes - that has got to hurt! I never tried that, but the cartoon thing of striking your fingernail hard with a hammer while nailing I have tried - normally you pull a strike that's off-target but a full blooded fingernail strike is amazingly painful. FYL
how'd you manage to do that?
So by try do you mean you did the hammer thing purposely?
my nails feel funny all of a sudden
Yes indeed! Ripped one of mine off the nailbed and it dangled there like a loose tooth....still hooked inside flesh only at the very top. No, they don't reattach. :-/ FYL indeed, too....
I felt that..
yes that also happened to me on my big toe. had to go to the hospital
lol i c u can't spell
Aw shit, you didnt pay that loan shark back his $1200?
I'm curious as to how o-o;
he obviously turned into an alien from district 9
Brutal handjob!
ahh, painfull. FYL

OOOOOH MY GOD. Yes caps were necessary. That sounds absolutely terrible.
My fingers hurt just from reading this! I have goosebumps all along my arms now!