By IIIlibras - 27/07/2011 21:28 - United States
IIIlibras tells us more.
Welllll, I needed to move my boyfriend and I's heavy mattress back against the wall so as I lifted it up, our Doberman (who loves to pounce things) decided then would be a good time to do so..Right where my hands were. My poor long nails just could not hold up the weight thus resulting in blood.
Top comments
I hate it when you hear about or read things that are so painful that you can actually almost feel the pain yourself. FYL op D:
what the heck happened?!?
OMG FYL forsure
it takes 3 months to grow back... i know from expirience
That sucks...believe me, I know :/
Piss off the mafia?
OOOOOH MY GOD. Yes caps were necessary. That sounds absolutely terrible.
My fingers hurt just from reading this! I have goosebumps all along my arms now!