By nicktrelos - 27/01/2015 14:07 - Greece
nicktrelos tells us more.
I'm not making it about myself - I'm not happy with the money loss, of course, but 350€ is nothing compared to how much I care. I meant it in a "that's devastating, and this sucks too" way if that makes sense? Thank you all so much for your support. We've been together for years, and she's my best friend in the world. It's hard to believe I never noticed the signs. The rent will be taken care of, right now getting her help is the most important thing :) I'm going to support her every step of the way. I've been learning about eating disorders all weekend (event was actually from Friday), and I can say for sure it wasn't a matter of being selfish. She's sick. That's not her fault, it's everyone else's for making her feel worthless. You're all incredibly sweet! A bit sour about the jokes, but that's okay, haha. I never take anything seriously myself. We can get through this :)
Top comments
She needs help and sensitivity right now. Poor thing. Sorry you have to go through this, OP!
Yea, the money things sucks, but she should be your main priority right now.
#9: But after that, spending habits can be the second priority.
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Show it anyway#3 Bulimia is a serious topic. Sometimes it's better not to make a joke about the FML
It is my fervent belief that there is nothing so serious that it can't be joked about.
People on this app can't take jokes
There are things you'd do better to not joke about. If you have to joke about it, do it in private where your comments won't hurt anyone. Anorexia kills. It isn't funny. Stop acting like a child desperate for the attention and approval of your peers and realize that jokes about things like this are harmful, ignorant, and unappreciated.
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Show it anywayI'm not saying it's a dick, I'm saying you are.
#19 while #3 comment was a little inappropriate I wouldn't take it that far. #3 was making a joke and I think it was to make people laugh, not to get attention from his peers.
Anorexia does indeed kill and harm many people every year. So I guess it's a good thing I'm making bulimia jokes, huh.
Haha #19 "if you're going to joke do it in private"?? OP posted this on FML. An app for jokes, sarcasm, and making light of a stupid or even horrendous situation. If OP wanted it private so people with a sense of humor couldn't try to lighten the mood, he wouldn't have posted it. Calm down. This is FML, not a therapy session.
Funny how #19 says these jokes are ignorant yet she cant tell the difference between anorexia and bulimia.
Anorexia and bulimia are indeed two different things, but the fact is both of them kill which means #19's point is still a valid one. Plenty of people have lost friends to eating disorders, including myself. So while I can personally take a joke about such things, you should be more sensitive to people who can't. I'm not trying to say not to joke about it, but maybe don't attack the people who are offended. There's probably a reason.
17 - Nothing is too serious that you can't make a joke about it? All right, then. If you die, I'll be sure to make a joke about it.
Well when one of your close ones die, we'll be here to make a joke about it.
I suffer from EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified), for me specifically, on and off for 15 years ive gone through phases of anorexia, bulimia, binging, forgot the word, where one is obsessed with dieting and working out. Anyway, even tho I suffer from an ED, I still have a sense of humour. #3s comment didn't piss me off, but I didnt laugh. #26s comment though made me chuckle :3
Orthorexia, right?
If it gets posted here on FML when I or a close friend dies, I would be most disappointed in y'all if there weren't jokes. As I said, there is nothing so serious that it can't be joked about. Humor is a coping mechanism. You may not agree with it, but you don't get to invalidate it. Any more than I agree with depressing wakes but don't get to liven them up and turn them into a life's celebration. That said, my best friend of 17 years died less than a year ago of cancer. So, people who think they'll teach me a lesson, make your jokes.
so you're saying rape is okay to joke about?
Of course not. Rape is never funny. Unless you're raping a clown.
Says all the First Class, first world white kids.
I called that Rape Advice Line earlier today. Unfortunately, it's only for victims.
Sucks man, I don't much about the condition but I hope there's a way she can get help
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Show it anywayGet her help and support her through it ♡
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Show it anywayCan we get rid of you until you get a brain?
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Show it anywayHow is this ironic? I don't think you actually know what bulimia is.

She needs help and sensitivity right now. Poor thing. Sorry you have to go through this, OP!
I hope she gets help :( bulimia is very unhealthy. I feel bad for both of you. One of my best friends is recovering from anorexia so I know how difficult it can be.