By timetraveler1854 - 03/11/2016 00:55 - United States - Nanuet

Today, I needed to cut something open so I asked my roommate to toss me my pocket knife from the counter. Apparently, he heard, "Open the knife then toss me it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 195
You deserved it 1 027

timetraveler1854 tells us more.

Oh man, this is my FML. I wasn't logged in when I published it. When my friend threw my knife to me, I tried knocking it away with the box I was holding but it grazed the back of my hand resulting in me needing stitches as it says in the title. And to the guy that says I shouldn't be doing cattle mutilations in my house, you don't see me walking into your home telling you what to do.

Top comments

Hey, he was just trying to save you a step, did you thank him?

I think your roommate is trying to tell you something


Hey, he was just trying to save you a step, did you thank him?

I think your roommate is trying to tell you something

RpiesSPIES 27

That he's an aspiring magician?

So you've never played catch with a knife before?

Oh, my god, OP! That can't be good! Did you warn him about his auditory hallucinations? If he keeps responding to sounds that aren't real, he could get hurt! The poor guy!

I hope he was a knife thrower in a past life

cootiequeen4444 11

why? I'd rather a person whom can't hit a target worth beans throw an open knife at me. less chance of stitches.

Ya, but also less chance of them hitting you. I would rather a skilled professional tbh

cootiequeen4444 11

but OP said toss me a knife. he would be the target. not around him and just barely missing him.

I wouldn't toss a pocket knife even if was closed.

I guess the box wasn't the only thing cut open ?