By Earl_KarmasBitch - 05/11/2016 13:02 - China - Kunming

Today, I went hiking in China. I knew I was unfit, I didn't know I was "being overtaken by an old lady leading a donkey" unfit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 924
You deserved it 1 827

Earl_KarmasBitch tells us more.

OP here. I wasn't expecting this to get published. The longer version of the story is that with a couple of friends I decided to go on a hike through Tiger Leaping Gorge on the banks of the Yangtze River. One of the big problems with the hike is the altitude. Much of the hike is at around 2km above sea level. Basically, after around 4 hours of hiking almost continuously uphill I was pretty tired. One friend was also tired and took an offer to get a donkey ride to the top of the 28 bends (the most notoriously difficult part of the whole 2-day hike). The woman who owned the donkey wasn't actually that old, probably early 50's (I'm 40ish) and works taking travellers to the top of the bends. I was tempted to also get a donkey but elected to instead give my backpack to my friend on the donkey and try to race him up the slope on foot. The two of us actually hiking the bends set off while the woman who owned the donkey saddled it. I actually felt pretty good that it was only at the 16th bend that she managed to catch up with us. That was until I noticed that she'd decided that my bag was too heavy for the donkey and she was carrying it herself! But in the end I did complete the entire hike. Got some amazing photos and really enjoyed myself. Probably got a bit fitter too.

Top comments

Hey hey if that old lady is out there leading a donkey you better believe this isn't the first time she's been hiking out there! Never underestimate old ladies!

Wizardo 33

Move that ass before that ass moves ahead of you.


Wizardo 33

Move that ass before that ass moves ahead of you.

You're the saddest bunch i've ever met, and you can bet before we're though mister i'll make a man out of you

That lady's walking speed must have been why she had such a great ass. ... Usually you can't get an ass to budge, even if you get behind and push!

Hey hey if that old lady is out there leading a donkey you better believe this isn't the first time she's been hiking out there! Never underestimate old ladies!

Muhammad Ali… Usain Bolt… old lady leading donkey… all embodiments of peak physical fitness.

I know you slowed down on purpose. You just want to stare at dat ass!

AznLuvsMusic 26

Don't feel too bad, OP. She probably hikes that area frequently, so she's probably used to it.

awildwhisper 30

Donkeys are stubborn. She was asserting herself as alpha in front of it to gain dominance.

The way you worded this makes it sound like you just casually went over to China just to jogging.

Ask her if you can ride her donkey.

OP here. I wasn't expecting this to get published. The longer version of the story is that with a couple of friends I decided to go on a hike through Tiger Leaping Gorge on the banks of the Yangtze River. One of the big problems with the hike is the altitude. Much of the hike is at around 2km above sea level. Basically, after around 4 hours of hiking almost continuously uphill I was pretty tired. One friend was also tired and took an offer to get a donkey ride to the top of the 28 bends (the most notoriously difficult part of the whole 2-day hike). The woman who owned the donkey wasn't actually that old, probably early 50's (I'm 40ish) and works taking travellers to the top of the bends. I was tempted to also get a donkey but elected to instead give my backpack to my friend on the donkey and try to race him up the slope on foot. The two of us actually hiking the bends set off while the woman who owned the donkey saddled it. I actually felt pretty good that it was only at the 16th bend that she managed to catch up with us. That was until I noticed that she'd decided that my bag was too heavy for the donkey and she was carrying it herself! But in the end I did complete the entire hike. Got some amazing photos and really enjoyed myself. Probably got a bit fitter too.

That woman is used to the terrain and older people in Asia are generally pretty healthy, especially compared to older people in places like the US.

I feel sorry for that donkey! If it's hard to climb, I can obviously imagine it's even harder with someone on your back

And even harder with someone on your back with something on their back!

Later that night they ate the donkey.