By ShitFaced - 01/03/2012 11:35 - United States

By ShitFaced - 01/03/2012 11:35 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/09/2019 06:00 - Australia
By tequilashot - 20/09/2016 04:40 - Brazil - Porto Alegre
By Anonymous - 24/10/2013 21:26 - Canada - Calgary
By Anonymous - 13/11/2010 05:20 - United States
By Anonymous - 10/01/2023 10:00
By cdestarac - 10/01/2012 06:07 - United States
By drunkdial - 06/01/2010 05:53 - France
By bellaboop1990 - 14/07/2009 22:13 - United States
By FullCircleProblem - 27/01/2016 06:04 - United States - Round Rock
By drunkluv - 12/04/2011 02:58 - Australia
How would you know? You were probably drunk.
Considered rape if he was sober every time.
Guys it's not really a YDI. Imagine everytime someone wanted to have sex with you they were drink would you turn them down
41, it's different if it's your long time girlfriend, fiancé, wife or domestic partner. It sounds more like OP is having more promiscuous, randomized hook ups than that, and with him being a sober guy having sex with drunk people, he could get into some serious legal shit. People that are drunk can not legally consent, that is how the legal system views it.
One Tequila! Two Tequila! Three Tequila! *****!!!
Not true in Oz, the law applies to both sexes.
#115 you are partly right but it's not the real reason. It's because of the intermediate-scrutiny standard, for the US anyway. Which says laws based on gender must substantialy be related to the achievment of a important governmental objective. there is a governmental interest in preventing teen pregnancies involved in those circumstances, so the law is upheld.I know it sounds crazy, but I'm looking in my college political text book and it uses those laws as examples.
In my opinion that is a stupid law. Having sex with a girl while she is drunk is not rape in my moral book.
41- I wouldn't cause that would taking advantage of the person.
135: Good thing your moral book doesn't rule the rest of us.
Jumber, I have no words for how stupid that comment was, especially coming from a male. Rape is under-reported in women, because they're too ashamed to come forward for fear of judgement, right? Try being a male who gets raped by a woman, and tell me you would have no issue reporting it. How many men would be willing to acknowledge that a woman took advantage of them? Not ******* many. Most would assume that because they are male it is wrong of them to not want it in the first place, and on top of that, theres simply male bravado. On top of this, I think it is worth pointing out, NOBODY should be a victim to something that is considered a crime against other groups of people in the same population group. NOBODY should have to just suck it up and deal with a situation just because they have a penis rather than a ******. Nothing pisses me off more than the carefree attitude we have when it comes to mens issues these days.
You misspelled everything.
Its moronic to say its acceptable for men to be raped in a situation that it is illegal for women. You can argue it however you want, you aren't making any logical sense. Shall we also just ignore cases of breast cancer in men because the rates are lower? **** them, they aren't female, they can just go die somewhere else. We only care about applying things where the statistics are significant, right? Or hey, maybe equality should be a universal concept. I dunno, maybe that's just me.
Your profile pic went perfect with that comment
I don't know what's better, 'Like a Boss' or 'I Just Had Sex!' ... O.o hmmmmm... EAT A BAGLE, Like a Boss!!
*****doesnt matter had sex
Doesn't matter, had sex
She was drunk the whole time. Doesn't matter had sex.
She put a bag on my head... Still counts!
Lol the top 2 are the exact same
once hell of party eh OP?
That doesn't say much for you...
I see we share similar usernames. *random pointless comment of the day*
Spazz666 I find you attractive
Creeper senses... Vibrating....
Your attractive too
I've seen this swamp kid creeping onto a few girls under 16, where's pedobear when you need him?
It is my old nickname and is my cats name. We took the best two sets of numbers
Not FML worthy.
Not comment worthy Edit: I was right, he got moderated
Get a girlfriend?
Wow... I don't know about you, Hungry, but seems to me that most sane people are at least a little particular about both. You know: dead, cooked, edible. Consensual, clean, no unwanted consequences. Alive. I see how you might be confused.
That could be one of the stupidest comments I've ever heard
Op I know exactly what you mean
I gave myself a thumbs down for that
I did too
Do u now
Better than saying, "Today, I realised I've never had sex with someone who was willing at the time."
"Bah! Not sober? Try unconscious!" Would be the appropriate creeper response.
102 - Nah, it's really not that bad.
109 no, i think its REALLY bad.
Also better than saying "Today, I realized that I'm such a loser that no one has ever had sex with me."
Most drunk people know exactly what they're doing, so I certainly hope they only accept a certain blood alcohol concentration that lends itself to such loss of consciousness. But how is the situation any different to any of the other stupid shit you pull when drunk? Shall we also start charging businesses who accept the money of drunks? And how exactly does this eliminate the obvious issue of people drinking to a point of making such decisions unconsciously? People who get to that state of drunkeness are the most obnoxious assholes on the planet. Maybe the fear of what could happen to them might prevent some of this stupid behaviour from occurring in the first place...
If he was sober when they were drunk, it's legally rape. So what you're saying may well be exactly what he said, phrased differently.
Doesn't sound legit...
MetalxSoldier - congratulations on the most idiotic comment I've seen so far today. Offense fully intended. Asshole.
Had sex, doesn't matter
Doesn't matter, had sex