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By Anonymous - 18/11/2010 16:27 - United States

Today, my boyfriend emailed me this morning to let me know that he had forwarded the joke that I had sent to him to all of his workmates and friends. He was quickly given the heads-up by one of his friends that all of our intimate emails from the day were also included. I'm dating a dumbass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 282
You deserved it 7 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Which is worse here, that OP's boyfriend is an imbecile, or that all his coworkers know that she likes dressing up as a fish while her boyfriend slathers her with Vaseline and calls her "Larry?"

It would seem as if you already knew you were dating a dumbass beforehand. This is to be expected; suck it up.


and he somehow managed to add all your intimate emails without noticing? that makes no sense

It would seem as if you already knew you were dating a dumbass beforehand. This is to be expected; suck it up.

this reminds me of the FML that her boyfriend sent email pictures to all of his coriander a picture of his penis. BOTH WERE FROM VIRGINIA. I call bs

DudeImBetter 0

I wouldn't insult his intelligence when your sentence structure is shit.

otheirrationalme 0

You totally ****** up your sentence too. It should be: "You shouldn't insult his intelligence when your sentence structure is shit." or "I wouldn't his intelligence if my sentence structure was shit, like yours." to #24.

Fk all u grammar nazis. I want u all to know u can suck every square inch of my nuts

hey grandma they now have something called sexting.

For the love of god, people. I'm one of the biggest Grammar Nazis here, and even *I* think that what you people are doing is ridiculous. You're all pretty. Now move along, goddammit.

db is the quintessential grammar Nazi. but what's the worse it could be? nude pics? sex video? o wait..... send em my way!

candy29 10

Exactly and especially nudies. why wouldn't you just take the picture with your phones camera and just text message it? thats what i do:) haha

I'm gonna lol when 71 gets caught and sent away Snickerdoodles style.

If you've ever bothered to read my comments in the past, you'd know that my grammar is usually spot on. However, I was originally going to say, "It would seem as if you already knew you were dating a dumbass." Instead, midway through, I decided I wanted to say, "It would seem as if you knew you were dating a dumbass beforehand." In the midst of changing what I was typing, I forgot to delete the word "already" from my sentence. Thank you for pointing out my trivial mistake in such a grand way.

stewpididiot 11

dumbass is as dumbass does.....

ThePersonalDream 0

He may not be a dumbass, he may have intended to send the emails too. ;-)

It seems you may have been the "joke" he forwarded to his friends. Next time, don't expect pictures of you dressed as Kelly Osbourne to be sexy.

Which is worse here, that OP's boyfriend is an imbecile, or that all his coworkers know that she likes dressing up as a fish while her boyfriend slathers her with Vaseline and calls her "Larry?"

FYLDeep 25

I don't know. Ask your girlfriend, or should I call her "Larry"?

Doc, I can honestly say that I love all of your comments and your 'questions and answers' on your profile. Way to go, you make my day

JoeyxCloud 0
advent2060 4

maybe next time u shouldn't send intimate emails to each other...dumbass ydi

get out while you still can. people can change a lot of things about themselves, but stupidity is usually not one of them.