
By Anonymous - 18/11/2010 16:27 - United States

Today, my boyfriend emailed me this morning to let me know that he had forwarded the joke that I had sent to him to all of his workmates and friends. He was quickly given the heads-up by one of his friends that all of our intimate emails from the day were also included. I'm dating a dumbass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 281
You deserved it 7 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Which is worse here, that OP's boyfriend is an imbecile, or that all his coworkers know that she likes dressing up as a fish while her boyfriend slathers her with Vaseline and calls her "Larry?"

It would seem as if you already knew you were dating a dumbass beforehand. This is to be expected; suck it up.


ANYONE could've made that mistake. I really don't think you should be calling your own boyfriend a dumbass. Besides, he could've been absent-minded when he forwarded the message, happens to the best of us.

Someone is acting awfully defensive. You're the OP's boyfriend, aren't you?

hahaha # 41 yes I am. haha you're comment made me laugh :P Sorry if I came out a bit too defensive, it's just that I think everyone makes stupid mistakes like that haha

You sent your intimate details in an email, and your intimate details are a joke. Well done OP, well done, 0 points.

You guys are all stupid.I am pretty sure something related to this has happened so you can go screw yourself

I have no idea what you are trying to say but I'm amused by your fervor.

did it occur to you it may have been an honest mistake. he may be a dumbass but you are rude.

your boyfriends not a dumbass your just a bitch

I love how wonderful everyone treats each other. It's the damn internet and people are putting their lives here. Each have some respect and don't be a bitch or an asshole or leave. That's all I have to say.

pwnedl0l 5

that's what you get for sending intimate emails.. god, get a room.