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By seaweedlady - 21/06/2011 14:49 - United States

Today, my mother tried to have a conversation with me. While she was taking a piss. With the bathroom door wide open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 995
You deserved it 4 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dont worry my mom does it all the time... :/

I'm guessing you two have an interesting relationship


Yinky_Unbanned 0

Your mom and I would get along quite well :p

WallyTheWombat 0

I've never known anyone to do that but I can't imagine it to be something uncommon. I'd probably just ignore them lol.

you picture is horrible blonde hair + fake tan (orange,naturally)= chav

haha actually my skin is natural tan. maybe know some facts before judging asshole

TylerzMB 0

That's your sign to move out. If you don't than next time she will either be dropping a deuce or f'n your gardener with the door open.

Try saying 'look mum I'll talk to you after your piss' and walk away? Simple!

peakcheer 2

at least she is that comfortable with her own kid.

I was watching a video called "You know you're mexican when..." and one was when your mother tries to talk to you when she's in the bathroom 8)

my mom did that once.. let's just say she learned her lesson

Alysin 14
swimchica22 0

dont worry my mom does it all the time... :/

mine too. maybe OP moderated her own FML post thats why it was accepted.

I guess you all live in Colosseum. ps. It's an Italian expression about people who don't shut their doors.

C-c-c-c-combo Breaker!! sorry i had to do it. mine too though, sadly.

akaulitz 3

so does mine, she did today too.

gigity 0

my mom does too. it's not that wierd lol

I though my mom was the only one who does that! LMAO!!!

enonymous 8

My mother and I share the toilet during these times.

cyns0_oaSailor 0

seven year olds shouldn't be on here. your 2 young.

Their young minds will be scarred for life...

She looks 12... not 7.... Perfect.....

she could have been pooping? so it's not all that bad!

sadly and weirdly a lot of people seem to do that = ... my mum does it too

green_eggs_and_h 0

What if her mom is 350 pounds? Then would it be bad?

TxnGurl87 5
BigHoshJosh 0

ahh things u do when your drunk

OP said nothing about her or her mom about being drunk....