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By nasty_ex - 21/06/2011 12:25 - Australia

Today, I finally found out who has been sending me hate letters, it's my husband's ex-wife. They've been divorced for 7 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 666
You deserved it 3 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Send her thank you letters for taking the time to write to you and tell her how happy you and your husband are.


grass_hopperr 1

I derp. It's what I do, all day long.

BigHoshJosh 0

another waste of a first comment

This line of posts is unrelated. Your point is invalid. Move along please.

42 a waste it's when the first get's deleted, moderated, or buried. It's neither... yet.

3 congrats you are a successful troll :)

OP-"Don't open the door!" Husband-"Too late..." Ex-"Hi!" Dun dun dun!

Op sounds like she's dealing with just another crazy b*tch -.-

Op sounds like she's dealing with just another crazy b*tch -.-

lonewolf6613 4

21 that was an epic win! lol

smile extra hard girl ....... after 7 years she still cant get over it so your winning and it's just words on paper wipe ur butt with the letters

Use 82's idea, except wipe your bütt with the letter, then resend them with an enclosed treat. :P

oh i feel your pain about psycho exes...never understood the way they behave. his psycho ex needs to get over it and move on.

SmallTownCutie 0

That's an awkward situation, OP. Maybe you need to tell her that they're divorced now, he is YOUR husband and that she REALLY needs to move on. Unless of course your husband is cheating on you with her. Eh.

Send her thank you letters for taking the time to write to you and tell her how happy you and your husband are.

wow now that's just pure desperate.. is your husband that handsome? =]

peakcheer 2

if he is then your life isn't that bad:)

Ew! What a psyho. Keep track of it all and file harassment charges! You need that crap on record for when she really starts acting crazy!!

green_eggs_and_h 0

You should probably tell your husband because that's something you and him should really have dealt with.

Tell your husband to punch her face in? Then burn the letters in her face?

imbordsoimhere 0

wow someone got a little to personal about this.

xMexicanXJesusx 0

The burn the letters part, yeah, the other stuff, uhhhhh, I don't know.

ORRRR she could punch her. I wouldn't let a man punch a woman. wtf is wrong with you?