By Laura - 03/05/2012 07:55 - France
Top comments
I think you got yourself a keeper mate
Did anyone else get a sense of dejavu reading this fml?
70-I sure as hell did. Maybe this is the roomate's girlfriend?
That's just nasty
Mouthwash really isn't that expensive...
You're hot.
Yeah... A keeper...
Very valid points 2 and ops boyfriend have ....
Haha, gross.
nasty... get your own bottle and dont let him use it
and floss... o.O
How old is he?
And probably old enough to buy his own bottle!
Buy a cheaper kind
Yeah, except that mouth wash is already cheap.
What a cheap bf you have... I wonder how cheap he really is when it comes to taking you out to dinner or buying anything else for that matter... Fyl indeed
65-Why then? Because they friend-zone all of good ones and date the douches, and then complain about why there aren't any gentlemen left? Please, I really want to know. Side note: I understand that not all women are like this, but a significant amount are.
I totally agree with #69 ... & would love to know y #65 ... Y!! Lol
Women are egotistic! If you want to bang them ask them about them and they will talk all night about themself
At least mouth wash is a really good germ killer ;)
Ummm not if your spitting that shit back in; imagine food particles floating in there. :( I'm sorry Op.
At least he saves money.
That's awesome! You have kissed him all this time, so it shouldn't matter now. :)
I think the dentist appointment and new teeths are more expensive.. Tell him that.. Fyl indeed, he is just ridiculously cheep...:/ It's almost as to use a condom twice, or dental floss twice..
You've never used a condom twice?
Never had the need to :)

I think you got yourself a keeper mate
It cleans itself.