By Anonymous - 11/12/2012 18:16 - United States
Same thing different taste
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By fitzy79 - 31/01/2014 20:04 - United States
Top comments
Always hit the snooze!! ALWAYS!
At least 14 times! Edit: Crap, didn't see that someone commented that.
Captain procrastination over here.
"...The next thing I knew..." clearly you didn't know very much. If you're going to stay in bed, set a new alarm! It's a lot less annoying than repeating a 5-10 minute snooze.
Who the **** is captain procrastination? And why is he always messing with ME!!
I'll give it to OP that she could be like me. I often accidentally press dismiss instead of snooze on my alarm. It's horrible :(
I know that feel. I lost a job that way
And after all that begging to..
Op, this exact same thing happened to me today, i showed up an hour and a half late, luckily my teacher gave me an extra hour so i could finish
Maybe if you cared...
Same here... Alarm for 2:00pm and next thing I know it's 5 and I've missed half my class:(. Fml
63- Ya cuz, you know, most people with healthy and regular sleep schedules totally wake up at 2 in the afternoon. Psshh.
79-people can have night classes too. So the time of day would be switched around.
79- I work graveyard and have night classes from 3:30-9:30. So actually it's pretty normal for me... I forgive your ignorance.
101- haha I hear ya. I don't even have a social life due to school and graveyard shifts.... Yay vampire life haha
Happens to all of us. Hopefully your proffesor will understand and give you a make up
Even in high school if you don't show up for a test and you don't have a doctors note they don't let you write it.
Now don't be saying "All of us" only the lazy, and city slickers.
Not all high school teachers are like that..
Speak for yourself.
At post secondary school. I know at mine at least only a doctors note or death of close family member is an excuse. "OVER SLEEPING IS NOT A VALID EXCUSE TO MISS A TEST/EXAM." That's a quote.
He would have to hit it 54 times for it to be from 6:00-10:30. How much do you have to hate yourself for you to cause yourself that much annoyance?
Did you seriously just do math?
My snooze on my iPod increases by a few minutes each time. So after a few it will wait about half an hour, which is really irritating.
39, yeah I seem to do that a lot.... I think I have an addiction. D:
21, because there is no way this was a reference to a previous FML right?
43 I know that, and I was simply saying that OP had to press it 54 times. I counted.
That used to happen to me quite often. After a while I realized I couldn't be trusted to close my eyes for "just five more minutes", and I started setting multiple alarms in ten minute intervals.
Ah I do the same! Every time before I sleep I setup my iphone with 4 alarms all in 15 minutes interval. 1st one to take me out of deep sleep. 2nd to wake me up. 3rd to wake me up again lol. 4th one is a warning one that now I should either call out or should be getting ready to leave.
Same. I set my alarm and do five to 10 minute interval alarms on my phone.
I just use the iHome+Sleep app on my iPad and use my dedicated wake-up songs playlist to wake up every morning. My mind gets too accustomed to repetitive alarm clock sounds, so I use a select bunch of songs on shuffle to wake up every morning. The app also lets you customize how the snooze button works, so I just set the alarm 10 minutes before I need to get up and the snooze timer on 10 minutes :P
I do what all of you do, except i have to leave it like super far away. If its even close to arms reach, or if ican roll over and somehow grab it, i wont realize that i apparently got up and snoozed it.
I do pretty much the same thing. I set a really annoying song as the alarm and toss my phone across the room so I HAVE to get up.
Alarm clock extreme free. customize it anyway you'll like and be certain you wake up. I have to get up for work at 5 am sometimes - that alarm has max one snooze and then 10 math questions I gotta solve before I can turn it off..
68, I do the same. Only problem is I turn it off and just walk straight to bed!
Maybe, just maybe, you can talk to your professor and figure something out so you don't get a zero? It may be a long shot, but it doesn't hurt to try.
Obviously you're not in college. Professors don't just let you make up a test because you overslept. You would have to either had an escuse from the college or have a doctor's note.
44 OP may not be in college either.
44: you're right, I'm not in college because I graduated from college in May. From MY personal experiences, people make mistakes and sometimes professors can help you IF you ASK. In my nursing school, if you missed an exam, you don't get to take the exact test, but an essay style test worth 70 points. That way, you don't get an unfair advantage or a zero. So, sticking to the point, it NEVER hurts to ask because you never know what good could come from it.
Well then I'm sorry. But when I missed an exam I was SOL when it came to a make up. I talked to the professor even, and he refused to do anything about it because it was against university policy and it wouldn't have been fair to the students that actually showed up.
Hate when that happens
Sadly, it doesn't work that way :( Edit: Damn, I responded to the wrong comment... just keep scrolling
I accidentally set my alarm for PM on the day of my exam, had I not had my usual alarm set up an hour later I would have completely missed it. We all have those stupid moments, hopefully you won't fail because of it!
Just lie and say you got too sick to take the test or something
That's the worst, next time hit snooze, or set another alarm 30 minutes later? My iPhone alarm likes to not go off. It's so annoying.

Always hit the snooze!! ALWAYS!
Did you hit your snooze button 14 times?