By Anonymous - 31/12/2014 20:29 - United States

 Today, my mom tried to give me a pep talk to boost my self confidence. Somehow, it ended up turning into a conversation about how much of a loser I am and how I have no friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 087
You deserved it 2 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sorry to hear about it op!! a lot of us dont have friends so dont worry about it too much :D

Either your mom is trying some strange form of reverse psychology or she got way off track.


sorry to hear about it op!! a lot of us dont have friends so dont worry about it too much :D

Everybody has at least one friend. Whether you know it or not.

I guess OP should order the pepperoni an- Yeah stuff it.

Maybe you - and OP - have a friend and you just haven't been in touch with them for a while. It happened with me and my old and now once again best friend - we spent years without talking to each other after we got separated when we were kids, found each other again thanks to the internet and now it's been about 5 years that we've been best friends again, with the addition that her fiancee is now one of my best buddies too. I also got other friends now thanks to her, who's way more outgoing than I am and introduced me to people. If you had a friend once, no matter how long ago that was, try to find them now and talk to them again. Real friendship never changes no matter how long you stay apart.

ordinarygent 14

A new year, a new start. Don't sweat so much on the past and start the year anew

give it a little bit before all that new year stuff

Don't listen to her. You are perfect the way you are! And anybody who doesn't see that isn't worth your time. Granted family can be different but take what they say with a grain of salt.

Moms are so supportive. Don't listen to her, mine used to do that to. It's horribly cruel but survivable.

Well, is your aplombness high or low? Because, if it's high, you should be able to buck your mom off your ass.

Maybe she has self confidence problems too and it makes her feel better to talk about someone else's. Good luck by the way, OP.

If it makes you feel better, the only friends I have is the DVD with seasons 1-10 on it. I'll let you borrow it, OP.

dont worry, you amount to something! just ignore your mother's poor pep talk

Oh sorry OP that sucks :( don't worry a lot of parents put down their kids a little too much sometimes without really meaning to. Hope you have a happy New Years though!

Either your mom is trying some strange form of reverse psychology or she got way off track.

xninix_fml 36

I'd go with the 2nd one although I guess it could be either one. Op I'm sorry :(