By Anonymous - 31/12/2014 20:29 - United States

 Today, my mom tried to give me a pep talk to boost my self confidence. Somehow, it ended up turning into a conversation about how much of a loser I am and how I have no friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 087
You deserved it 2 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sorry to hear about it op!! a lot of us dont have friends so dont worry about it too much :D

Either your mom is trying some strange form of reverse psychology or she got way off track.


Mine does this but makes it go onto the subject of my friends all being at uni or just no longer talking to me because I don't fit in with their groups fairly quickly. It's just a bit annoying, but it can help as I start to feel less down about it when I realise why my old friends don't talk to me. Any new friends would be people I meet at work or online.

Have you tried talking to one of those old friends again after a while? I found it sometimes actually works wonders. Sometimes they also wanted to talk to you again but are also thinking that you won't want to or are not sure you remember them so nobody says anything and it ends there. Even if you stopped fitting before, they might have changed with time. And sometimes you don't fit in a group, but some people within the group still like you. I'm only saying all that because it happened to me before. At most they'll ignore you and it ends the same way.

Get a hobby. Join an outdoor bootcamp group. There's friends out there just waiting to be met! :)

I had a shitty mom too whose pep talks were depressing. It is what it is--just take it with a grain of salt and try to avoid those "heart to heart" talks.

Chiroptera_Man 10

After high school a lot of my friends moved and so did I. Now I really don't have many friends, and no close friends. I'm sure it'll work out for the both of us. ?

xKrisSmoove 21