By WTF - 27/09/2015 07:57 - Poland - Wroclaw
Same thing different taste
By Me - 11/11/2012 00:29 - United States
By FenderBender - 03/09/2009 04:54 - Canada
Wrong way down a one-way street
By hello higher premiums, fuckwad - 25/08/2013 16:23 - Canada - Montréal
By Brayden - 10/01/2016 03:27 - Australia - Crib Point
By please don't back that thing up - 09/08/2013 05:00 - United States
Road safety
By Anonymous - 03/03/2022 08:00 - United States - Nashville
Coming through!
By Fender bender - 10/09/2022 05:30 - United States - Staten Island
Tailgate party
By Anonymous - 23/05/2014 22:06 - Canada - Oakville
By Noname - 02/03/2009 18:52 - Canada
By Anonymous - 01/01/2019 11:00 - United States - Spokane
Top comments
Was he drunk?
Nah, probably just one of those assholes who can never just admit it when they **** up.
He should've been responsive ... 3 second gaps are more than enough
I don't know how it works in Poland, but in America, the person that rear-ends another is always responsible. He should have left more space between both of your cars. You should check and see what your country's road laws are, he might be at fault there too.
Well yes, unless the person driving in front brakes too quickly when there isn't a light or stop sign. Then it's just an accident
#32 and I are the same. One of the first things they teach in driving school here is that the one who rear-ends is always at fault. They are responsible for leaving an appropriate amount of space between themselves and the car again.
but what about those who cant react that split second someone cuts them off? it can be anyones fault, but the OP got rear ended by an idiotic, possibly wreckless driver on their phone.
In my state, they usually use the who ever rear ended thing, but in certain cases, like being cut off, they'll use damage on the cars to determine who was a fault. It's a pain, though leaving enough room and not getting cut off. I try to leave a 3-7 second following distance, depending on how fast we're going and I'm constantly cut off by assholes who, well, I don't even know what they're thinking. I know how long it takes my car to stop, and I drive accordingly. I thought it was basic drivers ed. But, then again, most people don't seem to have taken drivers ed.
Oh they take Driver's Ed. They kinda have to. The thing is they just laugh their way through the class. I had to take my Driver's Ed with clique of dipshits like that. They also happened to be stereotypical school bullies, too, of the "they think it's funny to hold a door shut and prevent anyone from getting inside in the winter" sort.
Drivers Ed is completely optional where I live. You get a discount on insurance if you complete it. But you definitely don't have to take the class.
He's an asshole. Sometimes people can't stop right away and rear end the other people but he's just making himself look like an idiot
he must have the reactions of a turtle
#9 the reactions oft a dead turtle
Put your finger in the mouth of a snapping turtle, see how fast it reacts. A much better animal analogy would be a sloth.
Try a snail that has just slid over and ingested some Valium.
I lost a turtle once, in my house. Those things are not slow. I mean, they're not quick but I was like five...
Pee on him to assert your dominance!
cant get away from c*nts they are all over

Was he drunk?
He should've been responsive ... 3 second gaps are more than enough