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By FenderBender - 03/09/2009 04:54 - Canada

Today, I was driving home from work and noticed the car behind me was tailgating me pretty badly. I was starting to get angry with the driver, and kept glancing in my rear view mirror at him. While I was doing so, the traffic ahead of me stopped, and I rear-ended the car in front of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 513
You deserved it 43 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you're supposed to leave more space in front of you when you notice someone tailgating you. YDI for paying more attention to the jackass than to the road while you're driving.


no1askdu 5

you do deserve it, pay attention to the guy in front not the guy behind. You should've focused on what you could control not what was out of your control.

RustyShackelfurt 0

no1askdu, so true . . . If he was tailgating you did he run into your car to? Just blame him for the accident. Say "This asshole ran into me and pushed my car into the one in front of me. Also, I am a loser, it's not relevant but I like to let people know."

That's when you give 'em the good ole brake check and let them rear-end you. Either that or you'll scare the piss out of 'em.

2345_fml 0

I love when people try slamming their breaks when they are the ones going so slow. That is when I attempt to get over, cut them off, and slam on my breaks. See if they like it.

and when they hit you that's when YOU get the good ole ticket...brake checking is illegal and unless you can prove you had a valid reason to slam on your brakes you get cited for it. enjoy 😂

This is why you're supposed to leave more space in front of you when you notice someone tailgating you. YDI for paying more attention to the jackass than to the road while you're driving.

So, you rear-ended the car infront but the guy tailgating you didn't rear end you. They're obv a much better drive than you. YDI

ciaobella_fml 0

You should have been looking ahead of you, YDI

that's usually what happens when your not watching. if he hits you it's his fault anyway

thethreestooges 0

Hahaha. I would totally end up doing that. I can imagine your pain.

should have pulled over if he was pissing you off that bad.

If someone's tailgating you, take your foot off of both the brake and the gas and gradually slow down as you are coasting, the tailgater will inevitably pass you. That's the logical, mature solution. The fun solution is to get you one of them 1,000,000-candlepower, nuclear-powered spotlights and mount in rear-facing on your rear dash and give it to the ************ on your ass. He'll be "blinded by the light. Cut loose like a douche. . ." You are free to choose.


either that or put your hazards on for a couple seconds and tap the brake a little. or brake check them. last time i did that, i scared the kid behind me so bad he was at a full stop for about 30 seconds...and then he kept about 20 car lenghts behind me. it was pretty funny.

Nooooo! Don't quote bad songs that get stuck in my head easily! >_o

2345_fml 0

I had that happen to me for the first time. He was going 15 under the speed limit in a lifted F150 and had these super bright lights on and turned them on right in my eyes. Obviously that was his plan in the first place since he was going so much under the speed limit and had enough money to waste by putting better lights in the back of his truck than he had in the front.