By wtfdreams - 17/05/2009 12:33 - United States

By wtfdreams - 17/05/2009 12:33 - United States
Ooooh, bacon, yes! You're some ****** up dude o_O
cant remember last Time i had sex with Bacon
If the bacon was female then your all good.
its time to reconsider that diet eh? ;)
MMM Bacon = ) oh yeah ; ) lolz jk
the correct way to spell it is "cum"
I lauughed for 2min when I saw this I guess you just like em fat n greasy
no ppl its more like he would **** a pig FOR bacon lmao
Please tell me that 'bacon' is your nickname for something else other than actual bacon.
wait orgasms at bacon are uncommon?
650 hells yea!!! and I'm god too, I kick puppies and small children off bridges... wait…
Me likey the meat :)
Probably a redneck
#532, one would think I'd remember that too. B-)
#532 I can •_•
#570 the bacon or the... Liquids •_•
I bet the dream was sizzling.
Sounds quite sexy
Oooooh, I like bacon. But not like that.... Jet
Damn that bacon for being so damn sexy!!!
well bacon IS pretty awesome. just be glad you weren't dreaming about cabbage or grits or something gross like that
what you saying about grits?
You are definitely not from the south. Grits is just what everyone eats.
My kind of man. On the bright side, if someone ever asks you what you dreamt of, you don't have to lie.
Ooooh, bacon, yes! You're some ****** up dude o_O
Wait.....doesn't everyone do that? Shit....I thought I was normal....