Pleased to meet you

By Mr_Yato - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, a girl in my class introduced herself to me for the fourth time this semester. Am I really that invisible? FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 918
You deserved it 1 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or maybe you've been ignoring her and she's been introducing herself again and again because she likes you (and she's super shy to say anything else)? Just a possibility

Or does she just have a really bad memory?


Or does she just have a really bad memory?

awildwhisper 30

It's like a movie. 50 First Impressions.

when I got my concussion I did this to my best friend a lot, luckily tho I remembered my mother still when I woke up, like they warned might not happen

catsbeforeyou 19

Or the movie Fifty First Dates with Adam Sandler

MamaChey 24

Are you suggesting that the classmate has a concussion, #52? Yeah, that's probably it...fyl

incoherentrmblr 21
kittykat1501 31

wow. she must be really unobservant. My best friend did this to me once. we had a good laugh.

Try introducing yourself to her and see what she says.

She might be waiting for a certain reaction from you. She may want you to ask her out.

estroyer9 14

Maybe you should just wear a collar so when she asks you just point at the tag.

I doubt the op wants to appear like a dog, with a collar. Also, instead of a collar, wouldn't those "hello my name is ____" work better? :)

Give her a different name every time and see how that works.

CheekyRaccoon 27

So it'd go like OP: Hi! My name is... Her: What? OP: Hi! My name is... Her: Who? OP: Mr_Yato

On the other hand, I introduced myself to a woman at a party once and she glared at me and said "Yeah. I know. This is the fourth time." I still don't know who she was. I need to drink less.

She could have bad memory or a disorder of some kind. I'm sure you're not invisible like that OP!

Well to be fair, I remember many things vividly, even the stuff I don't want to, but good lord am I bad with names and faces. I still have yet to learn the names of kids in my classes...

Don't worry you'll find your Hiyori eventually.

Or maybe you've been ignoring her and she's been introducing herself again and again because she likes you (and she's super shy to say anything else)? Just a possibility

Yeah, best not to assume that unless you have a very good reason. It may work like that in a porno or chick flick, but in real life, chances are you'll just embarrass yourself.

#9 I've never thought of it that way. I always thought of it as showing the parts. Male is a circleish part, than a straight line, than the pointy bit. Female was always th we one that difnt look like a dick.

#23, What are you even talking about? Are you on something..?

singlwforlife 22

Perhaps she is introducing herself because she likes you and thinks that she is invisible to you. Crazier things have happened, it's completely plausible. :) Good luck, OP!