Pleased to meet you

By Mr_Yato - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, a girl in my class introduced herself to me for the fourth time this semester. Am I really that invisible? FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 918
You deserved it 1 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or maybe you've been ignoring her and she's been introducing herself again and again because she likes you (and she's super shy to say anything else)? Just a possibility

Or does she just have a really bad memory?


as a senior, I introduced myself to a girl I had known/talked to at parties since we started at college as freshman. most awkward experience of my life. felt like such a douche when she was like "yea we've known each other for years." thanks alcohol.

Or is it the other way around. Are you the only one that can see her?

Id just like to point out this one's title to anyone who's watched Noragami

Maybe she likes you and wants you to talk to you

Some people are just terrible with names. Stress less.

I think she likes you, or she just has a terrible memory. If it is the latter, take a picture of yourself, sign it with your name and give it to her. That should help.

ayyyyy I see that noragami reference in your name. still sucks but some people are just clueless.

I dont know why it has to take the girl four times to notice she's taking to the same girl.

kittykat1501 31

guy. OP is a guy. the girl's sign looks like a mirror. the guy's sign looks like an arrow.

Well, OK being a guy would make it hard to realize, especially if he swaps his gender every so often.

Maybe she's into you and trying to make a point! It could be a positive thing, OP. Don't jump to the negative. ☺️

OP, I'll give you 5 yen to help towards your cause of not being invisible anymore.