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By gonebabygone - 27/08/2009 06:58 - United States

Today, I discovered that my parents rooted through our house looking for junk to sell at a garage sale. They sold all of my books from my bookshelf. When I freaked, out my mom said 'well you never read them'. There was about $300 hidden between the pages of those books. They made $60. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 229
You deserved it 9 547

Same thing different taste

Top comments

$60 will cover a shovel, duct tape, a large knife, and some trash bags... all with enough left over to go out and have a couple beers.

How could someone possibly deserve this? Despite your opinion on how to store your money, her mother had no right to root through a house that didn't belong to her and take items without permission. File a police report for burglary. This is flat out theft.


wow how sad ): but that's why i keep my stuff in a mini safe

Ligerie 0

I think OP must be pretty young, so this is probably birthday money they hid from a sibling. Not old enough to have an account and most likely doesn't get large sums of money often enough for a safe.

alex_vik 0

Not old enough to have an account? A: If they're on the internet they're at least 12, and B: I've had a bank account since I was 9.

djb23 0

yeah, because the internet shuts down if it senses you're under twelve years old..

Sessee 4

My sister's six and uses the internet.

@ alex_vik i've been using the internet since i was about 4 or 5.... i say that if the OP is old enough to have that much money, they should have had the sense to put it in a better place and their parents wouldn't randomly look through their room for things to sell

alex_vik 0

Then your parents are horrible. Little kids should not be on the internet.

Maybe you were too stupid to use a computer when you were 5 and could only handle the complexity once in your teens?

seriously 12? my 7 year old cousin knows about this site dumbass

I agree with 108. Kids can use the Internet. Now, a five year old owning an Alienware is an entirely different matter.

Parents feel entitled to their kids bank accounts anyways so it wouldn't be safe in the bank either. Other people on here justify it because they paid money for them growing up. My parents encouraged me to save and never touched my account even though they did spend money on me and they respected my belongings.

YDI for not hiding your money in a better place.

I agree with fissionman1. You're a douchebag. I hope you get robbed.

turtlemansam 6

This is a ripp off of Malcom in the Middle

danz123 7

hahahahaha, why would you keep money between books? i mean, ok it's not a too bad place to keep it if you don't read them, but still, you should've kept the money in a bank account, safe, or whatever. next time, how about taking the money out of the books before a garage sale happens for unwanted stuff, aka your books.

You're an idiot. Who goes into someone's room, takes books off your shelves, and sells them without asking? Please commit suicide next time you speak without thinking.

If you're under 18, you can't open your own checking account. The most you can do is have a savings account that you can't do anything but deposit into until you're 18. When I was under 18, I put some of the money I earned into a savings account, and then kept what I wanted for spending money inside a book. It's not that uncommon.

Prawn_fml 2

Underaged people can't have a debit/use/whatnot account? Man, USA is crazy.

Actually, I've had a bank account since I was about 12 or 13. My mom signed me up for this special thing at her bank where teenagers/pre-teens can have a checking/savings account along with a debit card/checkbook and all that. Then, when you turn 18, it turns into a regular account. I don't know if all banks do that or if it's just mine, but it's not impossible. I also have a ton of friends who have checking accounts that they use to shop online, so it's not entirely impossible in the USA. Just so you don't get the wrong impression ^_^

I dunno what drugs you are on but I have had a debit account since I was about 13

moonlight_daze 8

YDI for not reading your books.

If you actually read the books, I would feel for you(this comes from an avid reader) but crying because the books are where your money. YDI next time find a better place to hide your money. What'd you do, put a 5 in each book? Sounds really dumb

LemonFairy 0

I was thinking the same thing, actually. When I read the first part I went "I would kill my mom if she sold my books" but when I saw the reason behind the FML I was like "...well that sucks, I guess, but..." (My little brother almost sold my '55 copy of Lord of the Rings. Thank God I stopped him...)

IndigoKitty 3

you deserve it for not storing it somewhere safer, but also, FYL because your parents think its ok to sell your stuff without asking.

$60 will cover a shovel, duct tape, a large knife, and some trash bags... all with enough left over to go out and have a couple beers.

inconvienentgurl 0

how is loosing $300 of your money n your parents gettin $60 a gain?! really now? that money could of gone to college or something that the O.P. really wanted or maybe needed. you should tell your parents they owe you that money back!!!

AntiChrist7 0

wallets and banks are so rare these days.... YDI

she might be too young to open up a checking account. I started working at 15 and couldn't open up a bank account until I turned 17. Also, wallet, really? Who carries around 300 bucks? How about a sign that says, "Rob me!" too?

i do sometimes, but its only for buying certain stuff that cant be purchased with plastic

YDI really for hiding money in your books, but FYL for your parents selling it all without your permission, what if they were to sell something that was really special to you?