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By Anonymous - 24/02/2013 13:56 - Canada - Thunder Bay

Today, while at work, my ex-boyfriend came in. I pretended not to see him, hoping he would just pass on by. No such luck. He stopped to tell me that he was there for orientation. My company hired him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 092
You deserved it 3 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It sounds like since he stopped to talk to you, you're at least on fairly good terms. Maybe you could at least become decent friends again someday

ColbyGB 13

Just be lucky you have a job, unemployment is high


You can't escape from your past, OP. It's called Karma and it's got you now!

rahulcool7 14

Who said OP ever did anything bad to him, we don't know if she deserves this.

Bliss391 7

No where in this fml does it say anything that would suggest that she did anything wrong in their relationship to cause karma to come and get her.

Obviously something happened in their relationship to where she doesn't want to see him again. And even if OP did do something to her ex, she still doesn't want to see him and especially work with him, or this wouldn't have been an FML.

Karma has nothing to do with one's current life. So many ignorant people throwing the word around... it affects what happens when you die.

No, 35, I'm quite certain karma applies to the current life too hence making your comment rather ironic.

19- im fairly certain what happened in their past was that they broke up. speaking from personal experience, bumping into an ex is awkward regardless of how you broke up. OP was probably just trying to diffuse the situation

"I agree, your life sucks." No need to rephrase such a wonderful sentence.

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

Honestly I think he got the job to be around you. I mean he knew where you worked (assuming since y'all dated)... So for him to get the same job kind of makes me think he's not over you.

No, the same company OP works for hired her boyfriend

He's just saying that it's not as though she owns the company. They're both allowed to work there even if it's awkward

I'm not serious. Just pointing out that someone could figure that because she said "My company."

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

11- that's a cool pic.. Even could be an awesome tattoo!

It's funny that some people say they weren't serious only after they start getting some negative feedback on their comment. Maybe she does own the company. But so what? That's not entirely relevant, and if you chose to nitpick on that detail, I think you missed the point of this FML. Also, FML only allows the stories to be up to 300 characters, so sometimes there isn't enough room to phrase things in the best way possible.

Yea, "the company I work at" was probably too long.

Did you really count how many characters there were?

NickaPLZ 26

Ah well, better get used to him again. Or quit.

Lionesse 15

Why does the OP have to quit. She was there first. That's stupid and pointless advice. She shouldn't quit because it solves nothing.

SystemofaBlink41 27

Well TECHNICALLY it does solve the problem of seeing his face...

34, I don't think he was suggesting that she quit her job, but pointing out that those are her only two options.

Lesson #1 The boss likes NyQuil in his/her/its coffee because it's sweet.

Ultimate_No 7

I fail to see how putting the boss to sleep will do anything to solve OP's problem.

It sounds like since he stopped to talk to you, you're at least on fairly good terms. Maybe you could at least become decent friends again someday

ColbyGB 13

Just be lucky you have a job, unemployment is high

Exactly, have to be thankful for what you got. Things can always be worst OP.

mangoboy1 19

Well, atleast you have a job?

aliciaanomalyyxo 12

Grow up, you can't erase your past just deal with it. If it that big a deal find a new job...

I would think people break up because-- they no longer want to see/deal with their ex. Yes, the OP could remain civil but that doesn't mean seeing that person every day, (perhaps 40 plus hours a week) is what anyone would want. And finding another job might not be as easy as you make it out to be. :P