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Coffee machine goes BRRRRRR

By mee - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Paris

Today, my Spanish teacher imitated the sound of a coffee grinder, and then said in Spanish, "OK, all of you do it." I did it, thinking everyone else would too. I was the only one in the class who'd understood the Spanish part. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 683
You deserved it 5 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why are you worried about it? The teacher will recognize you for this if any thing!

upallnight11 19

Or maybe they knew but they didn't want to sound stupid


Why are you worried about it? The teacher will recognize you for this if any thing!

I'm guessing that's a bad thing in grade school.

#20 Why would being smart be a bad thing?

From my experience, there is deeply entrenched anti-intellectual sentiment among students in American schools. *puts down dictionary* Basically nerds get beat up... a lot.

Saintdyn 9

#24 because in grade school kids tend to pick on you for being smart. At least from my experiences.

Lesson to learn, befriend the nerds. Then they will "help" you with the homework you don't understand.

AurumPotestasEst 16

I think the teacher was trying to gauge how many of you actually understood Spanish and that it will positively impact your grade.

#43 how about befriend the nerds because you'll find that they're probably the most interesting people at your school. All the "nerds" in my high school are the kids you wanna party with at college now.

Congrats! You are the only one of your classmates who is legitimately Learning Spanish. Your teacher will probably bump up your grade. No FML here.

I agree with #53, my friends are nerds, me being one, and in middle school a few years ago, the popular kids with the most douchy kids ever (no surprise) and the smartest were the most funny and most interesting in school. It wasn't until high school that everyone realized this.

upallnight11 19

Or maybe they knew but they didn't want to sound stupid

That would have bean ridiculous and quite brewed!

These coffee puns really grind my gears.... No one?... I'll go hide in the corner now.

jeffandjeff 22

Sounding stupid can cause a latte problems

For the longest time I thought your profile pic was a monkey

At least you'll be passing with hopefully a good grade while they struggle to say "¿Qué hora es?" **** their lives on that part. But must have been funny and embarrassing imitating a coffee grinder on your own

#3 I'd love it if that doesn't actually say "okay, now all of you do it"

I think #10 was referring to the original fml, but I'm not sure, her comment wasn't very clear.

48, 10 was referring to 3. Not the OP. I don't know Spanish but I can tell just by looking at it that it wasn't what OP was told. :)

In my opinion, typing in "#3" at the start of the comment makes it substantially clear that the comment is directed to "#3", and not someone else...

I'm sorry maybe my comment wasn't clear either. What I meant was I think she thought that #3 was wrong. She felt his logic made sense except that his Spanish was wrong, because the phrase he used was different than what OP said. I don't feel like I'm explaining what I mean properly or in a way that makes sense either. Or maybe I'm totally interpreting what she said incorrectly. I understand why I'm getting thumbed down, but at least I tried to explain myself :P

Bonus points for you! The little coffee grinder that could.

tweetypie 18

That just means you're the smartest in the class. Be proud!

lil_miss_simran 15

You should be happy you can understand Spanish

This isn't an FML... you did well in class. Thats a good thing.

It's not your fault your class didn't understand the directions. Just tell them that the teacher said to imitate the noise and if they make fun of you, you can argue against it. It must of been awkward, though...

Krissey_DJ 16

Maybe you'll get extra credit for being the only one who understood :3