By Anonymous - 08/07/2016 22:09

Today, my boss reprimanded me for a huge screw-up that he was responsible for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 822
You deserved it 842

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How dare you not watch over your bosses shoulder and do his job for him! Shame on you OP! On a serious note, either find another job, or if you work for a corporation try going to a higher up. Good luck!

Le_ponderer 14

Its called saving-face and is a signature go-to move for bosses who aren't decent human beings. Sad that they do not realise how much respect for them you lose; because they are incapable of admitting their mistakes. Don't let it psychologically get you down. Tell a few close colleagues the truth and you'll feel better knowing the facts are out there.


How dare you not watch over your bosses shoulder and do his job for him! Shame on you OP! On a serious note, either find another job, or if you work for a corporation try going to a higher up. Good luck!

Go to a higher up OP. Your boss shouldn't be blaming any screw ups on employees, instead he should take full responsibility.

Making your boss look good is always important. If she's a good manager, you may earn her trust by letting her blame you publicly, and talk about it with a wink and a nod behind closed doors. But if she was just attacking you in private, get out.

Jachin357 28

Screw that. If my boss screws up its on their own head, not mine. It doesn't matter if a boss is good or not. The boss needs to learn to take personal responsibility.

The thought to kiss someone's ass in this way has never occurred to me, It an is important trait to accept responsibility for your actions.

Sounds like your boss is Michael Scott.

I think he misunderstood when he was told how to delegate responsibility.

lexiieeex3 32

Did he know he was responsible when he reprimanded you though?

Le_ponderer 14

Its called saving-face and is a signature go-to move for bosses who aren't decent human beings. Sad that they do not realise how much respect for them you lose; because they are incapable of admitting their mistakes. Don't let it psychologically get you down. Tell a few close colleagues the truth and you'll feel better knowing the facts are out there.

Appmusicgirl 3

I think that's called having a job.

How did he keep a straight face while doing it?