
By bosssssssss765432 - 16/05/2009 15:20 - United States

Today, I was at the doctor and I had to get a fingerstick in the lab to get blood drawn. There was a 6 year-old boy waiting to go next. He was terrified. His mother told him to, "Watch this brave girl go first." I panicked and began to hyperventilate. The kid fainted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 927
You deserved it 9 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LuckyCharms_fml 0

**** the mother's life now she has to deal with a traumatized kid. Doctor visits will be hell for the next 12 years.


I hate people who do that kind of thing. What the hell is wrong with you?

idontgiveone 0

I have a really bad needle phobia from a bad experience as a child, so I understand where you are coming from.

thelonelylurker 0
brown_eyed_girl 0

lol! poor mom. "Today, I took my son to the doctor. My poor little boy had to get a "finger stick". He was so afraid. To comfort him, I pointed at the older girl in front of him and said, "watch the brave girl go first". The girl started hypervenilating. My son passed out. FML"

zander09 0

**** the parent for not dealing with kid's problem herself. Way to make bystanders responsible. Thanks.

Ahaha, this is one of the first ones to actually make me chuckle. Awesome.

the mother should have said "watch this girl get owned, and do the exact opposite of what she does"