By Alex - 08/05/2016 19:12 - United States

Today, after spending $120 to have a bouquet of flowers delivered to my mom, she called to complain that I had forgotten about her for Mother's day, but also praise my sister for apparently receiving my flowers I sent at the door and passing them off as hers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 680
You deserved it 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

do you have a receipt or an email confirming that you bought the flowers? if you do, show that to her.

Push your sister in front of the karma bus.... Only 1 of you will have a receipt.... Call her ass out on it, I front of your mother... Your sister sounds like a real ************


Talis99 26

Show her the receipt and let her know you didn't forget. Your sister deserves to be found out as a liar and the one who actually forgot.

Go over with the receipt, I would say mail it, but your sister might intercept that too.

I agree with proving your sister the liar. One other thing, though - Spending $120 for flowers? My mom would be very disappointed if I spent that much money on something for her that would last only a few days. If she's like my mom - Consider a gift certificate to some place she actually shops. My mom is retired and shops at Walmart, that's where her gift certificates come from.

Meh, I think it's best to just get whatever you know the person will appreciate. I like receiving flowers so much that I dry them afterwards or press their petals and make stuff out of them...both of which last longer than a few days. And even if they are temporary, that doesn't mean they'd be any less appreciated by his mom. That's like saying no one enjoys being treated to a meal & wine at a fancy gourmet restaurant, simply because they know they'll shit it out in a day anyways. The gift may be over quickly, but the sentiment and fond memory remains. I agree with you though that one shouldn't go overboard with spending or buy things the person doesn't really care for just because they're "standard," but if you have the budget and you know the person adores flowers, then it's not a bad present imo.

Score one for the lazy sister. My brother tried the same thing last year but he forgot to check for a card in the flowers. The karma bus ran him over before I could even pick up a phone to see if she got the flowers

Play it innocent. Tell your mom that you're very upset because you ordered her some flowers too and they never arrived. Then describe the arrangement and say that you're going to get the florist to confirm where they delivered it and or file a complaint with the credit card company. She'll put two and two together and call out your sister for you.

Well the beauty of playing it innocent is that OPs sister can't even blame OP.

My boyfriend's brother just did this! My boyfriend got his mum some potted plants, and as they car-pooled to his mother's house, his brother took in the plants and acted like they were from him!

Mathalamus 24

Oppertunistic. I like that, but that's still bad.

Forward your mother the receipt. I doubt you'd need to say anything more after that.

that was a low one your sis did..liars should learn that they can get caught and should stick to the truth..invite your mom over for dinner and show her the receipt..let her know you love your sis but she has a mythomaniac tendency that shouldn't be ignored and you think she needs help